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Rant For The Day

I must be off now-going to Roxana again with piling. Good thing they're building that pipeline from Alberta. Hauling the piling to the refinery has really been good, keeping us a little busy anyway. Haven't been making but one round a week lately, and deadheaded back to Knoxville and Rome, Ga. the last two times I went to Roxana.

We lost 2 of our regular hauls lately, the treated lumber out of Moneta and return loads of steel to Roanoke. A large flatbed carrier, like the mickow corporation, cut the rates and just took the hauls. Bidness is bidness I guess...a dog eat dog world.

...And how about Miss California? I saw the headline yesterday on the yahoo home page but didn't read the story. It just said her answer to a question may have cost her the Miss America title. Then I heard the whole story on the news this morning. I thought she had stumbled on a reply or something, like standing there saying "well, uh... mmm, duh- d'oh!"

That wasn't it at all-she replied to a question about gay marriage and the faggot-can you say that here?-judge that asked the question didn't like her reply that marriage should be between a man and woman. So he scored her low or not at all. She gave a good answer I thought, and her personal opinion shouldn't be held against her either way. Just my opinion.


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I saw that on TV and I noticed his face went sour. She did an outstanding job answering him. I'm glad there is still some real women out there. I just have not found one for myself. Seems ya get in trouble saying whats on your heart now in this comie country.




Really makes you wonder - just where are we going?

And why are we letting it happen, if we don't want to go?

It's way past time to stand up and say "ENOUGH".

"This is our country and we have rules and beliefs.

If you don't agree - go find your own country."

One of the little things I've noticed about these new liberals is

that everything is absolutely beautiful, until you disagree

with them. Then you are automatically a no good bigot SOB.

Same when they get caught with their greedy little hands

in the cookie jar. Or when they "forget" to pay their taxes.

OOOOh -Not their fault. Not ever.

Something's gotta give. And Soon!

This new attitude of laziness and greed is causing the government

to grow out of control, costing us a great many liberties and putting

control in the hands of extremely greedy businesses and politicians.




Really makes you wonder - just where are we going?

And why are we letting it happen, if we don't want to go?

It's way past time to stand up and say "ENOUGH".

"This is our country and we have rules and beliefs.

If you don't agree - go find your own country."

One of the little things I've noticed about these new liberals is

that everything is absolutely beautiful, until you disagree

with them. Then you are automatically a no good bigot SOB.

Same when they get caught with their greedy little hands

in the cookie jar. Or when they "forget" to pay their taxes.

OOOOh -Not their fault. Not ever.

Something's gotta give. And Soon!

This new attitude of laziness and greed is causing the government

to grow out of control, costing us a great many liberties and putting

control in the hands of extremely greedy businesses and politicians.


I think a lot of it would change if the ALL MIGHTY CREATOR was brought back into schools and not hushed up and bring religion back to everyday use.

just my personal thoughts




Green Giant I couldn't agree with you more. On that matter I agree with you to Paul

other dog


"I'm with you fellars"...Delmar

other dog



I saw that on TV and I noticed his face went sour. She did an outstanding job answering him. I'm glad there is still some real women out there. I just have not found one for myself. Seems ya get in trouble saying whats on your heart now in this comie country.


Too late again! She might have been available, but I heard she was dating Michael Phelps now...maybe they'll break up, and you could catch her on the rebound-offer to take her to "the dragon" and show her a good time.

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