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Pictures Of The Week

I went to Roxana, reloaded in Calvert City, Ky. for Ambridge, Pa. then loaded in Pittsburgh for Lynchburg. Nothing unusual or exciting, so I took some pictures of it...

well, this might be unusual-looks like a broken power pole with the transformer dangling from it.

Anyone know what this is? I see lots of them along the road,especially in Pa. This is in W.V. They're purple and triangular-i'm thinking some kind of insect trap.

Self explanitory- Ansted, W.V.

The old Smith's Transfer terminal on rt. 60 near Charleston, W.V.

I think the plan here is to connect these things so you can drive across it.

some of the piling we've hauled to Roxana.

A red Mack.

A white Mack.

A blue Mack.

And a colorful Peterbilt,loading storm debris in western Ky.

huge debris pile, and more debris cleanup.Looks like this will be going on for a long time.

B-model dump, (far left) rt. 40 and I-70 in Pa.

A bulldozer climbing a huge coal pile, Calvert City, Ky.

Superliner Mack, Moorefield, W.V.

Deer in Lynchburg, Va.

Purple Mack

And finally, dog at rest with his head in the fireplce.


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