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This And That...

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

Hauled a couple of loads this week. I unloaded in Lynchburg Monday morning and went to Moneta and got a load of lumber going to Conneaut Lake, Pa. Then down to Pittsburgh to load steel to Lynchburg. Then got a load of lumber off the yard going to Oberlin and Norwalk, Ohio. Back to Pittsburgh-back to Lynchburg. (yawn...)

I did see a gray Mack dump in Pittsburgh-had a "for sale" sign in the window. I actually saw another Mack for sale on rt. 51, but I didn't get a picture. I don't know what model it was, but it was a fairly new looking cabover with a set back axle and a van body. Weather's getting warmer now, so you see some nice looking new cars on dealer's lots :rolleyes: .

And I got a little better view of the B-model dump with the chrome radiator shell in Pa. And this old shovel must still work, i'm pretty sure it's been moved since the last time I was by there. I think this is where they park blimps in Akron, Ohio. This building used to be in the Guiness book of world records as the largest ...largest ...I don't know what you call it, but it's all open space on the inside, with no columns holding it up in the middle of it. And some old units on rt. 14 in Ohio.

And how 'bout that cabbage, eh? This was when I put the anti-rabbit fence up a couple of weeks ago, and now.


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Those cabbages look pretty good! The rabbit fence must be working.

Got my tomato plants today. I'll try to plant them tomorrow.

Before I go up to the neighbors carrying some "secret" meat rub

and Virginia BBQ sauce to show him how ribs really should be done!!

Can you get away for Macungie or Huntsville?

I think I remember three blimp barns in Akron. I have seen them

several times from the air when I was flying my old Piper PA-12 out

that way years ago. Memory is not too good - but I remember them

being really big, and I think you are right - they held (or might still hold)

some record for clear span structures.

I was always in trouble out that way - it's a really narrow VFR "passage" between

controlled airspaces and they just plain don't like Cub pilots, especially the ones

like me, who are down really low and slow and looking at all the sights.

I never paid too much attention to the radio, and the poor controllers would go into

mild panic trying to contact me before I realized that they were even trying to talk to me!

How about Air Force One doing a low fly-by in New York Harbor, breaking almost every rule

along the way, and, by the way, spending almost $400,000.00 to do it!!

Where the hell do we think we're going?? This outlook looks more foolish every day.

But we keep on paying for the entertainment our government sends us.

other dog


Those cabbages look pretty good! The rabbit fence must be working.

Got my tomato plants today. I'll try to plant them tomorrow.

Before I go up to the neighbors carrying some "secret" meat rub

and Virginia BBQ sauce to show him how ribs really should be done!!

Can you get away for Macungie or Huntsville?

I think I remember three blimp barns in Akron. I have seen them

several times from the air when I was flying my old Piper PA-12 out

that way years ago. Memory is not too good - but I remember them

being really big, and I think you are right - they held (or might still hold)

some record for clear span structures.

I was always in trouble out that way - it's a really narrow VFR "passage" between

controlled airspaces and they just plain don't like Cub pilots, especially the ones

like me, who are down really low and slow and looking at all the sights.

I never paid too much attention to the radio, and the poor controllers would go into

mild panic trying to contact me before I realized that they were even trying to talk to me!

How about Air Force One doing a low fly-by in New York Harbor, breaking almost every rule

along the way, and, by the way, spending almost $400,000.00 to do it!!

Where the hell do we think we're going?? This outlook looks more foolish every day.

But we keep on paying for the entertainment our government sends us.

Yes indeed, that cabbage is really growing! I wouldn't have planted that much but the plants came 9 to a pack so I got one of red and one of the pointed head kind- had real good luck with that before. It's actually called "early jersey wakefield" I believe. I planted an onion between each cabbage plant, and more at the end of the shorter row.

I haven't even seen a rabbit yet. Maybe they're waiting for the beans to come up, that was their favorite last year-got every last one of them. I always heard rabbits go in cycles, so maybe last year was a peak year for them.

"clear span structure"-that's what I was trying to think of :unsure:

Hard to say about the shows, but it's kinda doubtful. I saw in the new "Old Time Trucks" that the Troutman, N.C. ATHS show is being moved to Lincolnton, N.C. this year. A little bit farther away, but not a whole lot. I usually take a vacation the first week of July, but i'm thinking of waiting until the week of the 25th this year and maybe go to that show. Troutman was always a good show, lots of H-models there.

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