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At Least The Garden's Growing

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

Not much good to report. Been at home since Tuesday, but just got a load going to Orchard Park, N.Y.

And how about the ticks this year? More around here than i've ever seen. Can't get Diazanon any more, but I tried some other kind of poison and it doesn't seem to have any affect.

But everything i've planted so far came up, and the garden is growing like crazy. I put a second picture of the garden, taken from the back porch, because it's raining again-first was taken Friday,second Sunday morning. The beans have nearly doubled in size!

Now not only do we have lots of ticks, I have to worry about creatures like this when I go outside! I think it's a non-poisonous garter snake, but i'm of the opinion the only good snake is a dead one. The dog was barking at it about 4' from the garden, under the rose bush where Jo was cutting flowers yesterday. I applied the shovel to it's head.


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The garden's looking good.

That's some big snake compared to NY garter snakes.

Mine are about 16 - 24 inches long, tops.

If I was the dog, I would have been scared too!

other dog


The garden's looking good.

That's some big snake compared to NY garter snakes.

Mine are about 16 - 24 inches long, tops.

If I was the dog, I would have been scared too!

i'm not sure what it was, but it looked most like the garter snake picture in the encyclopedia. I don't recall ever seeing a snake like it before.

My herbs are growing too, though i'm not sure how to even use most of them. I've got sage, cilantro, basil, dill, chives, and oregano.

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