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Progress Report

B-67 Periodic Update:

This week I got the rear end disassembled (for the 2nd time) to fix

a nagging little leak between the carrier and the axle housing.

Next time I'll know better than to try and skip this step. There was no other

need to take the carrier out, so I didn't the first time around.

And I didn't know it leaked. Oh well.

And at the same time, I got to do a super cleaning out of the axle housing.

I'm really happy with the apparent condition of the rear end in general.

The gears are all perfect - no wear marks, no high spots, nothing! Just

shiny clean patterns with no sharp teeth. Looks like it always was cared for pretty well.

Got the rear end reassembled, and the front end completely reassembled and got

the frame flipped over to right side up. (That's easier said than done)

Putting together the clutch linkage now. That took a fair amount of machining and

fabrication. It was really all botched up. Works good now, though.

Gathered up all of the necessary hardware, bolts, brackets and assembly stuff to

start the air system plumbing this week.

It feels good to be moving along.

I'll get some new pictures on my gallery ASAP.

Bought my tickets to Huntsville this week.

The building business is actually doing quite well, at the moment.

We've got a lot of ground to make up, but at least we are actually making some up, finally!

Still I can't help but wonder about the long range economic picture. Automakers and other

large industries going BK, car dealers forced to close, big and little farmers going out,

continued heavy borrowing and increased government spending just don't paint a real nice rosy picture.

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other dog


"I'll get some new pictures on my gallery ASAP"

geez...how many times have we heard THAT one! :rolleyes:

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