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I just "inherited" a truck that I know absolutely nothing about.

Somehow, I wish that was unusual, but it's not. I've never even seen it.

As a compensation for a Mack engine that I bought from a local company that had a cracked block

which was unknown to me or the former owner, I have been given a Mack DMM-800, less the rear ends.

The truck has a brand new Mack certified 350 hp engine and an Allison ---750 transmission and a retarder

(once again - I don't know anything about it).

So - now with Jimmy retired - he's thinking that this might be a good candidate for his "retirement heavy tractor".

Doesn't everybody need one of these? And don't you like how he just assumed ownership.

We have a customer that he has moved buildings for, for thirty years. They have several DM-800's with the rear-ends intact. Those trucks are pretty much shot, but the rears are alright - sooo....

The building movers are in a little bind with Jimmy threatening to quit for good - can you smell the wheels of creation turning?

Stay tuned.............

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Picked up some good ideas in Macungie for this DM-800.

There was a really nice one there on display.

We are tentatively planning using the Allison as the main transmission,

with a heavy auxiliary transmission as a "range finder" to provide both

better low gearing, and better overdrive gearing.

This project is ways off - but we are gathering ideas now.

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