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Catching Up

Moving along on my B-67 project. Ready for new wheels and tires, and then it will roll again -

for the first time in about three years!

Nobody ever said I was fast.

Anyway, I'm real happy with the way the frame and running gear are coming together.

And I'm very appreciative of my uncle, Jimmy's, work to keep the project moving forward.

The cab also is coming along really well. Although I'm not doing that part of the work at all.

The body man is doing a great job and is priming this weekend, after a month of more welding

and dent pounding. That was after I thought it was ready to paint!! It really looks nice.

I am disassembling the green R-600 for the donor engine. Being real careful with the dismantling

so as many parts as possible are salvaged for future use. This was the truck with the double frame

rails that had pretty bad rust jacking and rail separation. It still breaks my heart to take it apart.

The old girl did everything an old truck should do, and did it all very well. The rust got the cab and frame.

But, I will have a perfect R model hood, all interior parts for the early series, wheels, tires and axles,

radiator and perfect shutters, doors, latches and all operating window hardware, headliner, instruments,

dash panels, glove box door and anything else except the old frame available for anyone who might

need early R-600 parts.

Looking forward to taking delivery of two long wheelbase Macks for a near future project I've got in mind.

One is a B-73, the other is a B-75. I'm planning a B-73 with Cummins power for myself. The B-73 has the

original 220 Cummins in it, and we'll wait and see if that will work or if more power is needed. The B-75 has

the straight frame rails that will allow a fairly easy rear air ride conversion.

This project won't start until the B-67 is delivered, but I'm gathering ideas now.

The learning curve of the B-67 total restoration has been fantastic. Now I would like to kick it up a notch,

and use what I have learned to get through a project with fewer distractions and fewer "wrong turns".

Still thinking of a complete disassembly, total restoration and updating. But with a much better upfront plan

and a better understanding of what is needed as far as parts, pieces and costs are concerned.

Kevin All had a beauty of a B-73 or B-75 a few years back. Black with red frame I think. That's kind of

what I'm thinking of. Something that can pull any of our trailers, anytime and dependably.

New company slogan: "OLD, SLOW TRUCKS..... SLOWER, OLDER DRIVERS"


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other dog


That's great, sounds like it's all coming together nicely for you. Speaking of sound, them ol' 220's don't have much power but they sure did sound good passing by. I thought so anyway. I haven't heard one for years.



Initially at least, my plan is to fit a tandem air ride rear suspension.

I have a Freightliner donor set-up ready to go with 3.70 rear gears.

I don't think the old 220 would be adequate for pulling any weight at all

while keeping up with today's normal highway speed.

So, I'm thinking about a newer 855 Cummins of 350, 380 or 400 hp,

with a single stick overdrive transmission of some sort. It just won't sound as good.

The original driveline will be kept intact for re-fitting, if that should ever be a possibility.

The front axle could also get changed to accept a modern power steering system.

Although the original Budd hub front axle may work out just fine. Don't know yet.

My thought is to install a 36" bunk, but may forego that idea for looks. At any rate,

I do not want to cut up the back of the cab, and at my size, the window opening is going to be

a little tight to crawl through!

I'm planning to re-route the intake air to a frame-mounted vertical air intake behind the cab,

and a single frame mounted vertical exhaust.

I think that getting the air cleaner off of the side of the cab might look pretty slick.

I need to have hood panels made for this project, so I might louver the hood just for grins.

Anyway - I'm way ahead of myself. One truck at a time, one truck at a time.



You sure you don't need a '52 Ford to practice on. I'm slowly gettin started on it, the teardown is the easiest part. I don't have alot of money to throw into it so I'm starting with the brakes and working my way up. I already sanded the cab completely, and I'm puttin my sandblaster to work with the frame and few other little odds and ends.

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