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Same Stuff,different Week

This week didn't start out too good either. I had to take a load of steel to Arlington, Va.-not a good part of the world to be in. I went to Petersburg to load Monday evening, but I couldn't load until after midnight. I got there around 7. So I went over to the fuel stop and got a bite to eat and tried to take a nap. Time I got to sleep good it was time to go. I already knew the jobsite was tight, with nowhere to park, so I went up to the rest area at the scales on 95 and tried to take a nap. Got there about 3:30 and woke up at 6:30- I said "no way i'm getting out there on 95 this time of day".

I waited until about 8:30 to leave, thinking maybe some of the other trucks would be unloaded and gone by the time I got to the job...but they weren't. I pulled in and had to pull up and backup periodically to let trucks in and out. Finally got empty and headed back to Petersburg to get a load going to Ambridge, Pa. It was just 40' beams, about 45,000 lbs, and when I was going through Richmond the @#%&ing engine light came on again. Thought we had that problem fixed the last 3 times, but apparently not. Had to go to Ambridge with it on, getting passed like I was tied to a stump by Swifts, Knights, Werners, and everybody else that came along. I finally made it to Ambridge, a little late, then had to go to Sugar Creek, Oh. and picked up a 48,000lb. load of bricks going to Lynchburg. I dropped them at the shop this morning and took the truck straight to Carter Cat.

I took a picture of the jobsite in Arlington-tried to take a picture of the stop sign in one, but some girl on a bicycle rode by and ruined it.


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That jobsite picture reminds me of a recent picture that was floating around

some of the truck websites.

It's of a Peterbilt that is pretty much burned to the ground. Caused by the driver

throwing a chain over the trailer, and over the power lines and - well you can guess

the rest.

The lines you're parked under look plenty high. But there's cranes parked there onsite too.

Be Careful


other dog


That jobsite picture reminds me of a recent picture that was floating around

some of the truck websites.

It's of a Peterbilt that is pretty much burned to the ground. Caused by the driver

throwing a chain over the trailer, and over the power lines and - well you can guess

the rest.

The lines you're parked under look plenty high. But there's cranes parked there onsite too.

Be Careful


yeah, I think the signs said 230,000 volts...

I'm barely scrong enough to throw a 2" strap across the trailer anyway.

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