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New Month - New Toy

So - we are into September. Summer's pretty much over and the leaves are changing.

We are making nice progress on the B-67 project. Fabricating mounts for the air tanks

and air valves. Installing the radiator and all associated pieces. Got the shutters working

nicely. The cab is coming along real good. It's in the body shop paint booth now (finally).

We hope to have the cab back on the frame within the next few days.

With the radiator installed, we should be ready to fire the old girl up for the first time in

a long time.

I broke down and bought myself a little project this week. Found a decent 1953 Chevrolet 1/2 ton

pickup just around the corner from my house. Been looking at it for a while, and it finally wore me down.

It's a rod project - no engine, been outside for a long time, getting pretty rusty in the floors etc., etc.

The old truck needed a new friend, and it adopted me. It should be quite happy inside a warm garage after sitting in the weeds for a long time.

The overall cab is good, the doors are good, tailgate and box are pretty nice. All cab glass is good, including the curved corner windows. The dash and instruments are nice. Both bumpers and the grille are OK. SO, there's enough there to start with.

The intention is to make this our shop truck and parts hauler. With a new independent suspension front end, a little small block and automatic transmission, decent brakes and a completely stock body, it should fill the bill nicely, with the logo on the doors.

"The Fishers Truck Company, Inc." is finally an official entity. We are looking into perhaps selling a line of truck APU's for auxiliary bunk heating, cooling and electric power during rest periods to reduce engine idling time.

I think we are talking with the best of the APU companies right now. Along with that, we have talked to some manufacturers about selling weight scales for individual axles. And we are looking for any new ideas to help defray the cost of our antique truck addiction.

And we are finishing up the process of becoming a New York State retail vehicle dealer, which will allow us to buy and sell heavy trucks and trailers. It's an exciting time for our little truck business.


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The project is looking mighty fine. Keep us posted i'm very interested in seeing the steps your taking.



other dog


I'd sure like to have an APU. Anti idling laws are becoming more widespread. You sure can't sleep in a truck when it's 90+ degrees without AC, or heat when it's cold.Probably add a good bit of weight though.



You know what's interesting -

There is a 400 pound Federal weight exemption for an APU that almost no one talks about! And - the industry has adopted 400# as a "standard weight" for most of the units made today.

So - with an APU of 400 pounds, and the weight credit that's available, you wouldn't lose anything as far as payload limits.

If you want to talk to the Moore's, I would make them a tremendous deal just to get our feet wet in the APU business. We are going with Frigette units - a company with a long history of mobile A/C and power units.

(In all fairness, there may be a Frigette dealer near the Moore's shop. They just won't be as friendly or as cheap as we are!!)

The truck APU unit is totally self-contained, and does not cut into the truck's systems at all (very important for warranty issues). It is powered by a little Kubota diesel that is made in the USA, and the rest of the unit is completely made in the US by US companies. The APU provides air conditioning, heating and electric power (both 12v and 110v) to the bunk, as well as providing battery charging to the truck batteries during operation, and heating of the truck's engine if desired in cold weather operation.

I think we can install the unit, complete, including a hotel and dinner for the driver overnite, for about $7,000.00 per APU. That's really competitive when you look at all of the other self-contained units.

It uses around one tenth of a gallon of fuel per hour, compared to the big diesel using around a gallon per hour at idle - so the payback is a pretty short period, just in fuel savings. Not to mention the potential savings in tickets and reduced maintenance.

All we need to solve your problem is a small check, and 31" of clear frame rail!!


other dog


You know what's interesting -

There is a 400 pound Federal weight exemption for an APU that almost no one talks about! And - the industry has adopted 400# as a "standard weight" for most of the units made today.

So - with an APU of 400 pounds, and the weight credit that's available, you wouldn't lose anything as far as payload limits.

If you want to talk to the Moore's, I would make them a tremendous deal just to get our feet wet in the APU business. We are going with Frigette units - a company with a long history of mobile A/C and power units.

(In all fairness, there may be a Frigette dealer near the Moore's shop. They just won't be as friendly or as cheap as we are!!)

The truck APU unit is totally self-contained, and does not cut into the truck's systems at all (very important for warranty issues). It is powered by a little Kubota diesel that is made in the USA, and the rest of the unit is completely made in the US by US companies. The APU provides air conditioning, heating and electric power (both 12v and 110v) to the bunk, as well as providing battery charging to the truck batteries during operation, and heating of the truck's engine if desired in cold weather operation.

I think we can install the unit, complete, including a hotel and dinner for the driver overnite, for about $7,000.00 per APU. That's really competitive when you look at all of the other self-contained units.

It uses around one tenth of a gallon of fuel per hour, compared to the big diesel using around a gallon per hour at idle - so the payback is a pretty short period, just in fuel savings. Not to mention the potential savings in tickets and reduced maintenance.

All we need to solve your problem is a small check, and 31" of clear frame rail!!


You know if it was up to me you'd be the only man i'd deal with. I'll pass on any details to Jeff and Todd Moore about your deal. Todd is V.P. of F.L.Moore and Sons, his brother Jeff owns the truck I drive, so his truck doesn't necessarily have to be the same as the rest. I'll see if I can talk Jeff into giving one a try whenever he trades this Pete.

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