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One Of Them Days

I unloaded the coils in Suffolk Tuesday,then went to Dillwyn and loaded kyanite going to Fremont,Ohio.First time I had a Fremont load for a long time and it used to be pretty much my regular run. I've delivered there 3 times in a week many times.Then I went from Fremont to Erie,Michigan to pick up a load going to Metalsa in Roanoke.First Metalsa load i've had in a long time too,and we used to deliver there all the time.

Today I just had to go to the yard and get a load of lumber transferred onto my trailer to deliver in Punxsutawney Pa. for Monday.Jo asked me how long i'd be gone this morning and I said "not too long-depends on whether it's a simple load or a complicated load to transfer". She was thinking about riding along,but decided not to. When I saw the load I figured it would be very simple-4 lifts and we're done.But noooo,things never seem to go as easy as you think-especially on Friday. For one thing whoever picked the load up didn't put it on big wood.Just had the little sticks under it,about an inch and a half thick.And the forks on the lift are about 4'' thick.So we started by lifting one end of a bundle and sliding a 4x4 under it to get the forks under it.The forks will reach all the way across the trailer but we could only lift one side at a time with this method. It was kind of slow,but we were making good progress until we tried to pick up 2 packs off the far side of the trailer-then the bottom stack "rolled" and the top stack hit the ground.So Jeffrie and myself have been stacking lumber all afternoon.2 packs of 8' 1x6's. Then we finally found a bander we could borrow and went to get it in the pickup and when we were headed back to the shop the tray that holds the clamps,ratchet,crimper,and cutters blew off and landed in the middle of 460.So we made a flip and went back and retrieved all the parts we could find.Didn't lose any of the tools,but a lot of the clamps had already been run over,and fortunately the tray itself was undamaged even though it was laying in the road,in the left lane.Helluva way to treat borrowed equipment there,eh?(that's Canadian)

So what should have been a simple deal turned into an all day job,but we finally got the load transferred and scrapped down,now it's at the truckstop and Sunday i'll be off to Punxsutawney.

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Sure sounds like Government work to me.


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