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My Latest Adventure

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

Sure enough, the snow's up to the bumper, and I haven't been anywhere near Florida lately. Left last Sunday with a load of beams going to Cullman, Al. then motored over to Iuka, Ms. to pick up a load of used piling going to Morehead City, N.C. Left there when I got unloaded and went to Dillwyn to load Kyanite going to Fremont, Ohio.

The engine fan came on on the truck Monday or Tuesday and would not cut off- even if the engine was off all night the fan was running when I cranked up the next morning. Then Wednesday night on the way to Fremont the engine light came on again before I got to Lewisburg, W.V. So I had to go all the way to Fremont with over 46,000 lbs. on, then I reloaded 48,000 lbs.-7 scrap coils-in Burns Harbor, In. and came back with the fan running constantly, which cuts your power a good bit, and with the engine light on, which cuts your power back a helluva lot.

Turns out it didn't make much difference, as I stayed at a truckstop in Grayson, Ky. from Friday night until Sunday morning. The West Virginia Turnpike was closed as was I-64 east from Beckley because of the heavy snowfall. No way I would try rt. 60 in those conditions, so there was nothing to do but wait it out. When they finally got the turnpike cleared I left Grayson just before daylight Sunday morning. The turnpike was fine, just wet, but as I whined and cried about last year, and the year before, when you got off the pike at Beckley and headed east on 64 you were pretty much on your own. There was one lane cleared in each direction, and sometimes it was just 2 tracks- the rest was snow covered. Cars and trucks were in the ditches and in the median all across there. 2 big trucks were turned over on their side. The plow drivers said they just couldn't do anything with that much snow-but they always manage to get the turnpike cleared. I-64 from Staunton to Afton mountain was no better. I finally hit clear road again around Charlottesville- normally it's about 6 hours from Grayson to the shop in Concord, but it took me all day to get to Ivor, Va. where I called it a day. I unloaded in Suffolk yesterday morning and went to the shop. Jeffrey brought me home, and the truck's going back to the Cat shop for the umpteenth time.

All these pictures were taken on I-64 in W.V. This parade was only doing about 20 mph.

The pictures might not work, they take a long time to download here and I made them pretty small. They might be like the Rosie's cat picture- I made that real small but it ended up big on the post and when you clicked on it it got smaller, down to the size it was supposed to be in the first place. Stupid computers :angry: (Freighttrain)


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I didn't even know we still had Blog capability.

Does this work any different than the old blog?


Paul VS

other dog


I didn't even know we still had Blog capability.

Does this work any different than the old blog?


Paul VS

Seems to be the about the same, but for some reason I can't download any pictures to illustrate my great adventures. I just haven't been doing much blogging lately.



Hey buddy haven't been on in awhile myself and your blog tells me we're both in the same boat. CEPT my Bulldog is doing O.K. for now. Maybe one day they will get that cat to work as advertised. Anywho our frieght sucks as bad or worse and I have managed to stay out of most of the bad weather. Good luck.


other dog


Hey buddy haven't been on in awhile myself and your blog tells me we're both in the same boat. CEPT my Bulldog is doing O.K. for now. Maybe one day they will get that cat to work as advertised. Anywho our frieght sucks as bad or worse and I have managed to stay out of most of the bad weather. Good luck.


Hi Mackdaddy!..well, i've been running my ass off the last 3 weeks-going south too. 2 trips to Mobile week before last,New Orleans last week, and Eagle Pass, Texas this week. Came all the way to Jackson, Tn. to reload though, and that's going to New Jersey. I just hope it lasts...

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