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blog-0566483001347332017.jpg's only a Cheap Beats By Dre slight exaggeration to say there are almost as many T-shirt designs promoting President Barack Obama as there are delegates at the Democratic National Convention.

There are the one that had to be printed quickly, like the one of the picture sent out by the president on Twitter as Beats By Dre Cheap a response to actor Clint Eastwood's monologue at the Republican convention. Obama is sitting in his leather chair, with This seat is taken written across the top.

Several T-shirt peddlers combined pictures of civil rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Obama. One said Keep dreaming, while another read The audacity of a dream.

There are serious shirts, like the one detailing 11 accomplishments of the president's first term Cheap Beats By Dre including bailing out the auto industry, repealing the ban on gay soldiers in the military and passing major changes to health case.

Then there are the funny ones. First Lady Michelle Obama is shown on one Beats By Dre Cheap in a sleeveless dress and the slogan I believe in the right to bare arms. Another shows a smiling Obama leaning out a White House window and a forlorn Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney standing outside the fence with No Ad-Mitt-Cheap Beats Ance written across the bottom.

Jeffrey Collins Twitter http://www.cheapbeatsbydresolos.com/JSCollinsAP


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EDITOR'S NOTE Convention Watch shows you the 2012 political conventions through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.


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