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Friday August 31

Nice day here in Upstate NY. This is a good time of year for us.

Just got the news that one of the tracks on a rented Fiat Allis dozer just beat the tractor to the dirt pile. That's not usually too good. Apparently the chain broke. Turns out the owner knew it was worn badly - and just hoped it might work for another day. Cheap So and So.

So, before I go out to the job and lose my cool - I thought I would relax and post another blog entry.

It's hard to get too mad at my operator. Fred is a retired union operator with more experience than I can even imagine. And he is as trustworthy as the day is long.

The machine, on the other hand, probably shouldn't have been rented at all. And I can't say anything too nice about the owner right now.

I've leased a new tractor for Tuesday, and life goes on.


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