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Recovering Mack LSFW....Day 1

Day one of my newest project and possibly the least eco friendly one of them all! To get this truck out and back to my house I'm going to have to cut down a couple of trees, remove the garden from the chassis and generally clear out 35 years of undergrowth and assorted rubbish!

After clearing a tree, a welder, an enormous battery charger and the controls for the crane from the back the chassis is in remarkably decent condition. Maybe the flora and fauna over it protected it slightly! We managed to clear off most of it, dig out the back wheels and start digging out the front. The rear wheels are surprisingly whole, considering it hasn't moved for ever. I think we even dug out wood from the Ark! The front wheels haven't fared quite so well, Scottish weather doesn't do much for preserving rubber. All in all our archaeological expedition to remove some of the earth from round the wheels was a success.

Looking forward to day 2 and shovelling more earth!!








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