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Day two

Day two and it's time to dig !

After being parked up for more than 30 years (estimated by staff on the estate) we knew it was going to be a challenge to free the truck from it's resting place. With a car full of picks, shovels, hammers, saws and other assorted bits of kit we headed down for day two and starting to remove some of the things that had been placed on, under and inside the truck. There was a 1 foot mound of dirt that had built up along the length of it and we got the use of a mini digger to start us off.

Once the digger had ran the length of the truck (almost tipping over a few times) and moved most of the muffin top that had built up we were able to get in with the shovels. We were digging for quite some time when we found what must have been the original road that the truck was parked on. As I cleared the sides my partner was on the inside throwing out all sorts of rubbish including a BMX. She was clearing under the bunk and came across some documents including the operators report of motor vehicle accident and the operating instructions from the Detroit Diesel Engine Division which had to be tied to the motor.

With the inside starting to look like a truck even if you could see daylight through almost every panel and floor. We discovered the 3 pedals, two sticks and many other bits and bobs of which I have no clue what they are but I'm sure in time all will become clear.

The underside was quite a task but hitting concrete spurred me on to get as much cleared as I could before my back gave out. I started at the left front tire and worked my way back. Putting a 3 ton jack under the bottom arm I tried to lift it but the tree growing through the front bumper had other ideas. Next time I must remember to take my chainsaw. Giving up on that we worked along the side and exposed the tires (front two are flat) and the bed it sits on. On the rear is a small crane which over the years has dumped lots of fluid down through the truck and working from the front there was lots of oily sticky mud to clear. The blacksmith on site said he will take the crane off if he gets a chance before we next go down.

Looking at the drive train it all seems to be there even tho it is rather rusty and by the looks of things seized. I may have had a moan about the oil but it has kept the chassis in good condition.

My next trip down will hopefully be in my restored ex MOD land rover with my nice new 10 ton bottle jack, a couple of axle stands and a big hammer to see if we can get the rear wheels rolling.

Wish us luck. Will keep you up to date on our progress.

Stephen Ellis, Scotland.


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