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B 42 Radiator mounting issues

I have a 1954 Model B 42 that I have been working on over the past 10 years (way more off than on). I am at the point where I want to mount the Radiator onto the radiator support along with the grill and rubber seal. It has been so long ago since I took it apart I forgot where the rubber seal goes. It doesn't seem right that the rubber goes onto the support first, and then the radiator on top of the rubber, then the grill against the radiator brackets, then the special mounting bolts with the large shoulder pinching everything together. To have the grill and radiator be supported by the compression of the rubber seal seems to me to not be enough pressure to hold them from sliding some. Can anyone tell me if I am figuring it out correctly and if there is really enough pressure with the compressed rubber to hold everything in place???


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shoulder bolts go through big holes in frame and rubber

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