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r model mack rookie needs help!

hello i have just joined bmt im not great on pc. so please bear with me. the reason i joined is because on my way to a car show in nc. i saw a old single axle r model mack in someones parking lot. i havent seen a single axle r model in 25 yrs or so. my family had a trucking business in nyc. and my father and my uncles ran r and b and f model trks. they swore by them, everything on the body would rattle off. they rode like tanks but you couldnt kill them. i drove a b model and r model for my father for 12 yrs. when my father passed away i got a tatoo of an r model on my arm in his memory. i always thought of getting one but could not find one i was told most of them went overseas. the onhes that i drove all had inline 6cyl. they ran forever. the single axle i found is supposedly a 1969rmodel 600 it has no title it is all there. it has a v8 in it. that sounds like a lot of mtr for a single axle. the man said it hasnt run for a while. he went and got 2 batterys and believe it or not it started right up. it blew out grey white smoke. all the guages work and the truck is all there. i do body work and from my examination cab looked good. some holes around rain gutter floor looks good and cab mounts look great. ive been told those mounts usually rot away. can any body tell me more about this truck . he said he would sell me the truck for 2,500' need help. thanks


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