More parts printed:
- Door latches
- Emblems
- Horn button
If there's interest, I can custom print emblems
- The blue parts are plastic (PLA) and as-printed without any cleaning.
I spent about 10 minutes cleaning the blue parts and then sprayed them with primer.
- Another 20 minutes detailing can make a big difference
- Plastic can be chrome plated, but it requires a lot of prep work as every flaw will show
The Horn Button
Still tweaking the pieces
- Three pieces Super-glued together
- Will need detailing to look smooth like the original
- I'm not sure the hardware for my horn button is correct - the button is too far above the steering wheel
Door Latches
- Not sure how the plastic will hold up.
It wouldn't pass today's requirements of:
- Double lock
- Door beam
- Roll-over test
- 500lb Gorilla tugging on the handle
- But, they're better than what's on my truck
- If there's interest, I could make a mold and cast them in brass or bronze (or alum or...)
- Album created by Keith S
- Updated
- 12 images
- 3 image comments
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