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My Baby

Some shots of my 77 RD 600 SX. 300 Maxi, 5x2 Maxitorque  55,000 Mack rears. The one with the Black bed are as he was when he was a pup. I sold him to my cousin and it was a terrible mistake.  Got what was left of him back last year and now hoping to win the lottery so I can put him back to his glory years.  
 The old Poloroid is a model I built when I was 15 and it actually went to the dealer so they could see how I wanted the paint. Luckily they screwed it up and I liked the Red better on the front.  
I probably have 50,000 hours of labor in doing one thing or another to this old boy.  If it wasn’t rolling I was modifying something.  Everything from building brackets to install the overhead console, building a floor console from aluminum and plywood that sat level with the seats when the air was dumped so you could attempt to lay down and nap while waiting on a load of coal or waiting to dump a load of coal. Installing a Burgundy Western interior, painting the interior metal and smoothing out all the weld seams, drilling holes in the interior of the cab and shooting it full of “Great Stuff” foam and installing several layers of foam and a sheet of plywood under the floor to insulate and deaden sound, (it was so sealed up I had to open the kick vent to shut the door all the way closed and locked.  Anyways I love this old truck and I regretted selling it as soon as it went out of sight but there was no work and I needed the money.
God is good and he’s home now and he will either get restored to his former glory or rust whichever God has in store for me to be able to do. 

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