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Old Bill- The Diesel Gypsy

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I mentioned Old Bill (William Weatherstone) a while back (in May,here on "Odds and Ends"), and the problems he was having. Hadn't heard from him for a while so I called him Sunday to see how he was doing. Not too good... He has a new e-mail address and he told me about this senior's site in Maine he had written some stories about his difficulties for-


Start at the bottom at Alzheimers Part One and read this-they're dated. Nothing else I can say to add to this...

Thanksgiving is coming up...then Christmas-I just think we should all try to help in some way, if just a prayer. My change bucket is about half full again, and I know where it's going and I don't care if I never get new tires for the mixer.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I wish more people were like you Tom!

I could not read it without shedding a tear-it describes almost exactly the way it was with my wife before she passed away. Little different situation- She had cancer and I went through it for 2 months, and as I told Bill Sunday I don't know if she even knew I was there or not. But she would get up and do the walking thing too-heart breaking thing to deal with. Your life can just go 180 degrees in a heartbeat, you never know.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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that brings a tear to the eye

he & his family are in my thoughts & prayers

later yall


Hey Bulldog man, nice of ya' to drop in- hope you don't mind me quoting you once in a while.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Hey Bulldog man, nice of ya' to drop in- hope you don't mind me quoting you once in a while.

im glad yall think of me round here i found out what kinda friends i had w/ where i had "olddog"

I lost old dog along with a friendship of 16 yrs over my B Model come to find out my buddy sold my :mack1: FOR $200.00 (w/o the tiltle) 12 days before i could get my 2nd boss's Lowboy to move it to his yard after we made room for it

my brother in law told me that my former friend (who was like a lil brother until this happened )

To top if off my brother in law was the one who told me it was gone & knew where it was . come to find out 1 of cousins is married to man who towed it & was trying his best to give enough time to get the truck out but i told him after 2 weeks of slow work i just couldnt come up with the money (& he was gonna only charge me half of the full charges )

my former buddy didnt have the balls to call me or come by my house & tell me by the time i found out it was 2 weeks after the truck was gone to the storage lot & storage , tow bill & the original $200.00 @ the time work was slow & was getting by so i didnt have the money to get "olddog" out . the stroage lot was the one who told me that my former buddy signed a bill of sale w/o a title . ( i seen the paper work yall )

i told called my former buddy asked him if he signed anything he deined it told him i could press charges against him that was the last time i talked to him when he lied to me

passed by where it was a coulpe weeks ago & he was gone i just hope someone gave him a good home & plans to restore him i hate to think of the other choice it brings a tear to my eye fellas . this was back in Sept 09 yall

I Could had took the DM690 Or Ford powerstroke i drive for both of my boss'es & drove them up his a$$ so far all ya would see is taillights sticking out his butt when he pulled his jeans down to set down on the throne .

but what hurts me the most is im like a uncle to his 3 young sons (ages 6 to 10 yrs ) & his 5 yr old daughter so i let him be maybe it was a stupid move but i was thinking about what his kids would think of me later on in life if had thier dad thrown in . how they would grow up w/o him around .

I Seen him in the local Walmart last week he saw me before i seen him , looked away & ducked his head almost like in shame & the loss of a long friendship. if his kids were with him i dont think i could be as strong as i was never said a word to him .

So ive decided when the economy gets a little better if i cant find a another B Model im gonna find me a R Model, West Coast R model or a SuperLiner to not only work everyday but also restore in memory of my dad , Granddad & 1 of our old drivers who passed in Sept of 09 (who was the older brother i never had he was only 48 yrs old) .

thats whats been going on latly fellas

sorry for the long post

later yall


You Cant Fix Stupid. But You Can Numb It With A Sledgehammer. :loldude:

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Geez, your luck hasn't been too good for a while. Work is slow everywhere too. Seemed like it was picking up some for a while, now i'm back to the "one paycheck away from being broke" situation.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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With the way your Pete's been running you'd been done took up permanent residence in the poor house. All kidding aside at least you don't have to buy fuel and do maintenance to it. :thumb:

Ain't broke down since Monday there Rob, when the fan belt broke. Excuse me, I mean Double L.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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I didn't realize Rob was rubbing off on me this bad, I'm easily influenced. laugh.gif

"Stick with me, Don't worry 'bout a thing"; Richard Pryor, 1976


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a nice Christmas e-mail from Old Bill. He's still having his difficulties of course. He'd been picking out an outfit from Murt's closet to take to the nursing home for her to wear today. He's very appreciative of any and all help he's recieved. Even though her care is paid for by her- whatever their equivalent to our social security is called, gummint pension I believe- he no longer has that part of their income to live on and said he'll probably have to move to a smaller (cheaper) place.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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