Geez, I can't remember anything...oh, it's coming back slowly now. Made three rounds last week for the first time in a while. Took some treated lumber to Akron Thursday and thought I was coming home empty, but got a load out of Malta, Oh. late Friday evening going to Bedford, Va. When I unloaded in Bedford Monday I went to the shop and got a Conestoga and loaded Kyanite for Chester, W.V. Sat all day in Chester after I unloaded Tuesday-didn't have a return load. I did get a load Wednesday going to Roanoke, but it was next week's load, so I just brought it to the shop and dropped it. Then Thursday I loaded treated lumber going to Middlefield, Oh. and reloaded in Canton at Ohio Steel Slitters. I don't know if everyone who works there is an a-hole, or just the guy that loaded me. Probably just him, odds are against everyone there being one, but he was certainly an arrogant, hateful jerk-pure a-hole, like he holds it against you for coming there to pick up a load in the first place. Unfortunately, that's most often the case where ever you go to load steel or make a delivery. Makes it hard to be sympathetic when they close the doors because people decide to get their steel from China or Brazil. Gotta deliver in Suffolk tomorrow. And I got started on the garden yesterday-planted some cabbage. Gotta pick up some onion sets this week, and i'll be good for a while. I'm going to start some tomato and pepper plants in a plant bed. took a few pictures last week, nothing spectacular- loaded with lumber at the truckstop couple of Macks in Fairplain,W.V. closer view of the b-model, Fairplain,W.V. Attached thumbnail(s) // // // View the full blog entry