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Everything posted by thomastractorsvc

  1. Thanks What did you use to cover the dash panel? I bought a vinyl print that matched pretty close to the original, I had to buy a roll of it when I redid the R so I have a lot left over.
  2. The Service Manager stopped by yesterday and quoted me for repair. It was in my budget and he said it was worth saving and not really that bad so I spent some of today preparing the old girl to take over. I added some temporary lights to the back and welded on some angle to support them. Adjusted the slack adjusters that were hooked up and added a tire to the way back singled out axle, aired up the tires and and will see which ones still got some in the morning. They are going to put on the frame machine and use anchors and rams and heat and bend it back into shape, fix the axle mounts and fix a couple cracks and welds. Today while messing with the brakes and tires I pulled and checked the wheels all seem like they should, new brakes and hardware, I think I will replace the slack adjusters as the locks were sticking and I had to heat with a propane torch until they oozed some hard packed grease out and half way loosened enough so I could pull the lock all the way up also since it doesn't have spring brakes I think I will put on at least one axle. In the last picture you can see four red spots that are marked for repair
  3. That will look right at home on there. On my B that is what I did except I made a whole new box.
  4. Did you do the fiberglass repair or send it out? I am needing to fix a crack and don't know anything about it. A neighbor said it would only be a $100 or so to fix a body shop, have not checked yet.
  5. I got mine today and this is what they look like. I ordered from summit the gauges were $40 each but spent $100 to take advantage of free shipping, I ordered a few odds and ends and still waiting on a wire wheel. I need to heat the upper corner with the heat gun to shrink it but other than that I think turned out pretty good. (the gauges are straight its the angle of the picture)
  6. Looks like this guy would have daytons http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/fod/4913950258.html
  7. Try these guys http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/pts/4904013151.html I think you will find it harder to to find the tubeless 24.5 dayton than a tire saw this to http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/for/4892427082.html If you got budds here you go http://atlanta.craigslist.org/sat/pts/4925516644.html
  8. I would leave as is and fix the hood and make it safe and reliable and have fun. I would use it to run into town and get parts, that would be awesome to see heading down the road roaring and going about 20mph wide open!
  9. Try these guys if no is closer http://www.nebraskatire.com/brands/samsonthey say they ship anywhere for $125 if it holds true that's only about $700 for two 11R-22.5. or find some decent used ones for a $100 ea, if you want to keep the bias ply and not change rims you could get those and save a few buck on rims
  10. I just picked up a a pair of samsons for the superliner from experts greater than me- So after doing some more research on Samson tires, their distributor company is out of Ohio, Great Lakes Tire Company. Advance Tire is also made by Samson, or vice versa. The tires are made to stringent quality control...and by the way, they are ultimately owned by Michelin...go figure...who also owns Uniroyal, etc. Turns out that Advance Tires and Samson tires used to be made in Isreal. Now they are made in China.
  11. Damn, I would buy that right know if they would meet me half way with it.
  12. When are you going to paint the shiny parts? Cant be much more to mess with.
  13. That is a cool one, I am sure there cant be more than a handful left
  14. the oil pressure gauge has a sensor on the back that a wire hooks in to mine was turned so it sat behind the dash so had to pull it out to the side with a twist, I did not pull the center dash like jake said but I will when i do the install, my temp gauge is manual so I have to start at the engine to redo that panel.
  15. I saw the picture of the B and thought the same thing, zoomed in and you can see the Michigan tag, surprised it has A/C
  16. Looks good when my gauges come in I will be changing the volt and oil pressure on mine I will let you know then, I think the water temp will be the hard one.
  17. Thanks guys, have new volt and oil pressure gauge coming the volt gauge showed over charging and would not drop back when no power when I pulled the dash panel the illumination curled off the oil pressure needle so figured since got it out take care of it. I cant decide to mess with the panels and remove everything or wait until after paint to redo them. When I did the R I had to pull everything twice because the painter got sand in the cab and it went everywhere.
  18. I need to tackle some more on the inside but for the most part everything been wiped down and washed at least twice. When I do the sleeper I plan on doing the stacks. I am going to try and polish the tanks but might wait until goes to paint. I am making some new battery box covers, think I will make out of tread plate.
  19. Here are a few before and after pictures, just doing some TLC and clean up. I am planning on putting a sleeper on the truck.
  20. Did you polish the rims yourself? What did you use?
  21. Looks really good turning out like a professional restore!
  22. Not many people seem to be too close maybe I will end up passing on it.
  23. That is being a stand up seller. I have bought a few things at auction that I would have liked to have left and gotten my money back, I am glad it all worked out.
  24. how do you sell at absolute auction and keep it?
  25. check the wiki i uploaded a few
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