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About twostickmutt

  • Birthday 03/31/1952


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    hinsdale mass.

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  1. naw he had it in park and thought he was in drive.
  2. in the good 'ol days if you coudn't shift it you didn't drive it and didn't work for the company.
  3. where abouts in w.mass. did it work
  4. mark i sure wish i had my old belair "bubbletop" 409/409 back. (i wish i had a lot of things back i guess)
  5. if you blinked more than once you missed the town.
  6. i bet it is all white up there this mornin' tim. only 36 degrees here @1240 above sea level. whole lot higher up there.
  7. i bet the sound of that has sugar shack written all over it tim.
  8. i'll bet you superliner there ain't no four-flushing politician worrying about paying his though!
  9. you're on the christmas list too mike.
  10. vinny when my powerball numbers come in tomorrow night i will buy that for you for a christmas present.
  11. i did...........lol.
  12. she'd start.... or maybe up in the north country your sheds run?
  13. dave this might sound stupid but it happened to me once on a 260 brockway. the mice had gotten into the bell housing and had built so much of a nest it would only let that continental gasser turn about a quarter of a turn. after i had pulled the heads i found the nest and thats all that was stopping the motor from spinning. like i said there was so much stuff wadded up in there it got bound up between the flywheel and starter. might be worth a quick look.
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