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1974 Mack CF685

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Everything posted by 1974 Mack CF685

  1. I own a 1974 Mack CF685 fire engine and on the ceiling is a roof mounted vent. This is manually opened from inside the cab. Inside the cab is a plastic shroud/flange that interfaces with the vent and the headliner. Well, over the years, that plastic piece has been broken numerous times and could really use replacing. Anyone know where I could find one of those? How about a new headliner?
  2. Sorry guys about not being back to answer your questions. My old computer died and believe it or not I couldn't remember the name of this site! Double DUH on my part. It will remain a fire engine for as long as I own it. I am getting 2 gumball warning lights for the top to return it to its more original factory look. It is an automatic transmission. I drained everything, took the plugs out of the pump and tank, left all the discharges and intakes open for the winter. One of our village board members wanted to take off the fire body, put a dump box on it and mount a snow plow to the front...SACILEGE in my humble opinion. I have had it out for a little road trip this spring. I took my wife and her daughter to the bank, grocery store and drug store in it. Man oh man did we turn heads!! It was funny as heck.
  3. A Snorkel? AWESOME!
  4. Thanks for the welcome everyone. The Chicago paint scheme gives away its heritage. This truck was originally owned by the Forest Park, Illinois Fire Department
  5. Hello everyone, Just yesterday I picked up a 1974 Mack CF685 that my wife and I bought. It was formerly used by the paid on call fire department where I live. I am also a member of this fire department. I am here to learn and share info with other members of this site. This is my truck, the only thing different is the equipment did not come with the truck. Don
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