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About macks4me

  • Birthday 07/10/1960


  • Location
    Strasburg, Va

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  • Interests
    Mack Trucks - R Models & Superliners.
    56' Ford Panel trucks.
    The American Truck Historical Society and my local Chapter of ATHS (Shenandoah Valley)
    The Tri-State Antique Truck show
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  1. until
    The Tri-State Antique truck show is now attracting 300 truck per year and growing. All proceeds are donated back into the community with over $53,000.00 being donated back since the first show in 2005. Go to the Tri-State website for more information. wwwtri-state-antiquetruckshow.com
  2. My vote is for the 70-80's. I have to stay with my passion for the R-Model since I started out in a 1968 R-model back in the day. I currantly have a 1971 needing a lot of TLC.
  3. Beautiful Mack. I'm sure your proud to walk that dog, Keep up the good work.
  4. until
    Tri-State Antique Truck Show. Held at the Frederick Co Fairgrounds/Stonewall District Ruritan Grounds, Winchester, Va. Held each day 8am till dark each day. Large Show field with 300 enteries, Flea Market, All Proceeds benifit area food banks. Wonderful Benifit dinner 5pm Friday prepared by the Ruritans. For more details visit www.tri-state-antiquetruckshow.com
  5. until
    The Tri-State ATHS Antique Show is held at the Frederick Co. VA. Fairgrounds / Stonewall District Ruritan Grounds in Winchester, Va. All proceeds are donated back to the area food banks of the four participating chapters combining their efforts to put this show together. In the past 8 years we have donated $51,000.00 back to the community. The Ruritan Club will be putting on a wonderful dinner that you must have on Friday evening. The cost of the dinner is $12.00 per person. This show is now drawing and average of 300 trucks. Visit the http://www.tri-state-antiquetruckshow.com/ for more information.
  6. What it would be to go back in time as the pictures remind us how simple and good life was. It would be neat to slow down and enjoy life that way again. Keep the pictures coming.
  7. If you like the "B" model Macks. Check out the First Gear Mack Hauling Series. These have Mack on the doors instead of companies names. I went after these as my main collection of First Gear. They Also did the AB, L & R model along with the Brockway. This was easier to have a complete collection and keep it smaller since these trucks are large and take so much space, but they are my favorite. Check out local toy shows in your area. The toy show in York Pa. every srping and fall for example. Fall is the best. Good Luck & Happy Collecting
  8. Try one thing. If possible bypass the drier to see if you still have a air loss.
  9. Thanks for posting the pictures for us that wern't able to attend. It looks like there have been some additions to the bone yard since the last show there I atttended. Mr. Gerharts bone yard will definitly will take you back in time.
  10. I recomend Paul's Chrome Plating in Evans City, Pa. 800-245-8679. Thier work is first class in my opinion.
  11. until
    The Tri-State Antique Truck Show held at the Frederick Co. Fairgrounds near Winchester, Va. All proceeds are donated to the local area food banks of the three ATHS chapters putting this wonderful show together. In the last 7 years $40,000.00 total has been donated back to the community. Visit www.tri-state-antiquetruckshow.com for more information. Plan to attend this wonderful show that now has grown to have a average of 275 - 300 trucks in attendance
  12. Looks like a Mack out of Winc. Va. I Believe the Mack was built new for Southern States Petrolum division when they hauled thier own oil products.
  13. Bridgewater Lawn Party Grounds Bridgewater, Va. www.shenadoahvalley-aths.org b
  14. If you have not found a grille yet check out the one I listed here. Its a NOS grille. I hope I am not upside down on the price. I am just trying to get my money back on this grille I bought through Mack that was wrong for the truck I ordered it for. If interested call me @ 540-325-9092 between 8am - 8pm EST.
  15. I am sure that everyone agrees that the grille is priced to high. Here is the issue and I am sure you cannot blame me. I work in a parts store and have a customer needing a grille. I called a Mack dealer on the west coast with the vin. number for the truck needing the grille. They quoted me a price of $918.00 plus freight. I contacted the Mack dealer nearest to me, gave them the part number provided to me and they ordered the grille for me. As it turned out it was wrong. The dealer contacted DEX and there is a no return policy for obsolete parts. I didn't feel I could force this on the customer. He did not make the mistake.I couldn't return it to the dealer I had order it for it was my mistake with the part number given to them by me. I could not return to the dealer giving me the incorrect part number since I did not order from them. My boss made me buy the grille. At $600.00 I am already losing money and that loss continues to grow every time I list it for sale some where. I would like to get most of what I have invested in this due to the error of someone else giving me a incorrect part number. Believe me as a parts man I will not make this mistake again. I don't like the idea of working more than a week to buy parts I don't need. I am not out to gouge anyone on this. I just trying to get most of my money back. This is just a costly error. I may have to sell it for the prices recommended someday. Jeff
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