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Everything posted by topo

  1. I remember seeing that Mack in Cortez Colorado in the 70s'and early 80's seating in front the diesel shop next to the truck stop cafe waiting to go to work .
  2. Do you have any idea what motor it has ?
  3. Pictures hauling was water and picking up a van to use as a shop.
  4. I bought this 1967 M52A2 from Boyce equipment in 2008 they bought it at an auction from the forest service it had sat outside the fence at one of there yards for 20 years . In the time I have had it I added a rear winch rear fenders and replaced every brake part where the first on the list 'I use it for fun and also have two trailer an 67 military fuel trailer used for hauling water and a 1954 Military wrecker lowboy . Just over 10 years ago the multifuel engine lost a piston and I found two Mack engines at a salvage yard for $500 one is a 673P that had a turbo added and the other is a 675 with a broken intake manifold someone lifted it with a chain I ordered the right bell housing from Memphis Equipment and got the 673 P put in and hook up just to see and it started since then I have been upgrading parts to parts that should be on a Military Mack engine my latest upgrade being the right oil filter assembly I have had two other large canister oil filters one took one large filter and the other held two shorter filters end to end .
  5. I once replaced the u joints on a DM and lined up the U joints like I would on a drive line and it was not right then the slip joint out and turned it a quarter turn and it was right .
  6. I drove for a drilling contractor some time back moving his drilling rigs and equipment grooving the axles on all the heavy trucks with a bench grinder and when one would break it was simple to take off the end cap and make a loop out of wire push it down the axle with a stick then pull the loop tight wail pushing with the stick and the axle will come out clean out the chips and go back together with a new axle. Every truck carried a complete set of axles and one Peterbilt carried axles and drive lines. When the axle broke both times I was in reverse main box and deep under in the brownie (4 speed this was in soft mud with another truck pushing on the front. The first time I came as a surprise and the second time I felt it coming. Mack sure made a tough drive line never a problem there.
  7. I remember using 4 671 Detroit's on a mud pump on a drilling rig and one rig had 2 8v71 on the rig one Motor had electric starter and the other had a air starter the clutch was air later when one motor failed it was changed was changed out to one 12 V71 .
  8. Your first post reminded me of trouble I have had with fuel lines when using braded fuel lines like Aeroquip the very thin liner inside the hose would separate and collapse and seal the hose closed when driving because the pump is pulling more fuel after it stopped running and not drawing a suction it would open back up and restart and run ok till the pump suction increase would collapse the liner again . the place where this would happen the most is if the fuel line was inside the frame where the exhaust was near the line .
  9. what is a vmac and ficm ?
  10. I worked in the oil field and have quit and found a new job drilling for joe leaves a bad taste in my mouth .
  11. The filter housing on the table uses the Baldwin filter # P-706-m The filter on the engine uses the two filter one on top of the other ( Baldwin P194 ) there is a hydraulic filter (P194 HD ) both housings have one inch ports in and out .
  12. The Baldwin filter # P706-M the gasket is a O ring and I don't have a number for it .
  13. when you get the filter get a new O ring
  14. A 5 speed main and 4 speed auxiliary work very well .
  15. I Thought from the factory they all had Mack transmission because of the high torque ?
  16. I could have made the same mistake thank you for sharing .
  17. Maybe the bottom of the cab is twisted and that is causing the doors to not function as they should . also there is no cross member under the fifth wheel that I can see maybe other bracing was left out to save weight and the frame rail is pushed back causing the cab mounts to be in line .
  18. I remember just bolting the pads to the shoes do they not do that any more ?
  19. I have a military trailer M269 made in 1954 It was made by the Pressed steel car company and I was wanting to know more about where they where located and what else they made before WWII when the war was going on and after the war or any thing some one may remember . Thank you
  20. I just read where Biden put Harris in charge of protecting voters rights if that true sorry I don't know what to say .
  21. looks like the same suspension used on a 43 White 666 I can't find any model numbers other then Timken in my books .
  22. Rob Thank you
  23. I have lantern with two mantels out side and was thinking of using DOT tubing to run a line from the regulator to the lantern about 20 feet . any thoughts on this ?
  24. 40 Executive orders You have to think someone else is writing them for him . with troops at the capital it looks like someone is paranoid about losing what it not really there's
  25. What will they reinvent next The electric switch it turns something on or off it needs a price cap of no more then 4 bucks no mater what it turns on or off or how it dose it .
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