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Everything posted by BIGDOG66

  1. you located in Atlanta still available
  2. need a diagram to the fuse panel inside glovebox door or location of AC compressor relay and circuit breaker Thanks
  3. thanks I'll check it out
  4. bendix compressor still having issues have replaced the following componants compressor dryer purge valve governor has no audible air leaks this even has the Mack techs in Richmond Va scratching their heads, I have replaced every major component and it stll wants to build up to 130 psi then purge until psi drops to 110 or so then the purge valve shuts off and the cycle repeats. one note if I pull the feed line from the governor to purge valve it will stop purging any ideas what going on with this? thanks for any input
  5. thanks but that was checked too actually it was the unloader in the compressor got a rebuild kit ordered be in tomarrow
  6. OK guys new here and now needing a little info. Got a 2000 mack 4 axle road tractor the other day going down the road it started purging every 7 seconds then quit for a few days then started back up. so replaced the governor didn't help so started looking into the air dryer and purge valve pulled it off and tore it down and the filter had come apart in the can cleaned everything up and first rebuilt the purge valve still same so replaced it got a little better but basically the same. only thing left is the unloader I think. litttle more info what it is doing is going down the road or sitting in the shop it will build pressure to 125 psi then purge but instead of closing off it will continue to leak air down until it gets to 110 psi then purge valve closes and starts building pressure again and starts the whole ordeal all over again any help would be appreciated Thanks Scooter PS I talked to a tech rep for the maker of the purge valve, when I disconnect the control line to dryer it stops purging so according to him the dryer is ok what else is there tried 2 governors
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