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Pedigreed Bulldog
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mike69mackman last won the day on May 4 2016

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About mike69mackman

  • Birthday 06/30/1969


  • Location
    newburg pa

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    big fan of macks havnt bought my first antique one yet.been eyeballing one in cairo ny through dennis mehan.
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  1. I had a luv 4wd when i was a teen. Loved that thing . Took it everywhere.
  2. Yeah, mine wont be doing pulls. Both are equipped with k301 10 horse motors. The first one runs great but all it’s gonna see is shows and maybe mow the tops off the high spots in my horse pasture. The one i’m currently working on will plow a little snow and my gatden.
  3. I thought about doing that but the paint is pretty thin but i might spray some clear on it to preserve it. The paint on the new project is too far gone to do anything with. I think that tractor spent most of it’s life outside.
  4. Hi guys/gals, long time no posts. Just wanted to post about the speedex 1240 i did a mechanical resto on awhile back. It is finished and runs great! Thanks for your input on the front wheels i posted about. I currently am working on a 2nd 1240 which is in rougher condition but will be resurrected. It is currently in pieces but should be running by summer.
  5. Don’t talk to me about squatters. I got squatting in laws in my daughters home who wont leave. Been 4 years and finally getting a court date to kick them out.
  6. Ended up pulling the carb back apart and cleaning some stuff that apparently never came out when it was cooked out out. Reassembled reinstalled runs like a champ IMG_0966.MOV
  7. I have a friend with an 70’s station wagon. Needs carb work . Nobody will work on it and tell him we only do fuel injection. Nobody really knows how to fix things just change parts anymore.
  8. Points are good . Brand new.
  9. So finally got it all back together and running although not well. Runs only with the choke full on. Thinking a vacume leak or weak fuel pump. Thinking vacume leak. Might have one more shot to play with it before my surgery sidelines me for 6 weeks. But not complaining as it felt good to resurrect something that sat for 30 plus years and get it this far.
  10. Unfortunately front wheels for a 1240 are model specific which is what created the problem.
  11. Now that the tire and wheel debacle is resolved, i’ve been slowly working on the mechanicals. Carb rebuild, fuel tank cleaning, new fuel line with filter. Pulled the head over the weekend and cleaned the top end and head up. Removed a mouse mansion. Waiting on the correct headgasket kit. Still have points to install and flush out the fuel pump. Got the choke and throttle cables freed up and cleaned and painted the battery mount.
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