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Steven Charest

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Everything posted by Steven Charest

  1. how hard is it to find TRQ77 just starting to look around for doner parts and local part sources , found a 5.9 this week problem is can not get truck in my shop need to clean house winter is repair and rebuild time for us , working on getting it home this week and start trearing it down not really shure what I will end up with for a tranny yet but apreciate all the input. Im in this for the long haul want to use this truck at my landscape supply yard mostly for me . alot of the new internationals around overgrown P U s I ve always been old school
  2. all workin fine here
  3. thank you guys will defenetly keep you all updated on what I decide to use now started a file to store all this great information. P.s Merry cristmas to all
  4. Please excuse spelling
  5. I just got a B-20 no moter or tranny rest in in excelent shape , planning on putting 5.9 cummings would love a two stick anyone know can this be done 1 newby
  6. this looks alot like the one I just pick up I gess maybe it a b-42 thanks not shure the model just hood says b-20 it was a gas job see coil mounted to firerwall , all I want for xmas is my new toy to be home
  7. thank you for sharing picks of your build just bought a 56 B not shure on rest waiting to tow it home to get to work really excited been doin alot of research on how and what I want to do , thanks for the insperation Steven Peterbough ontario canada
  8. gives me insperation long way to go though Nice
  9. I see I may have to do some road tours or parts tours ! thanks guys now watchin ebay
  10. Wow great looking truck !
  11. Hi there mike I'm also New to this site , drove an old mack cement mixer, think the first one had a two stick Ive been on this for only a couple a days and would also like to welcom you
  12. as you see I got a sorta picture on could not find the way to attach pictures could not get it moved today, re fabin an old cement mixer we found in a barn , now it mounted to an old trailer we had and has a gas engine instead of leather belt drive , my belief is it lasted this long why buy a new one, excited and happy to have this foum to help me threw the build of by B 20 talked to the wrinch and he,'s gonna look at rear end soon as I get it to the Yard I hink He's excited new project! .
  13. not shure how to add picture yet want to be able to use her ! goin down today try to gwt better picks clearin out the shop area for her so many thing so little time thanks santa Im like a little kid when it commes to trucks and old tractors
  14. thanks all Im so happy to find other people who a already into this, many do not understand ! goin out today she dosent look like much but will share what I have santa came early for me this year . thinkin of installing a 5.9 cummings and keepin interior and exterior origanal .
  15. purchast the truck today, we do barn salvage imagen my surprise at what i found inside a 1956 B20 single axle dump truck, all boudy pannals where removed and stored , We are in the process of towing it to my shop for a winter build
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