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About mackahaulic

  • Birthday 04/15/1961


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    South Jersey

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  1. Hey Mark, I found it.. It's Double Clutch Feb/Mar 2010, Volume41, No1.. Has a nice color picture of the truck on the cover..Cliff
  2. Mark, I don't know what issue it is, but there was a nice story about the Lilla R Model in the Double Clutch written by big Lou Barber about a year ago or so.. I'll find the issue and let you know which one it is.. Cliff Here are a couple pics.. first of Louis lifting a couple of engines at a local show. I swapped a Cummins to a friend from DE for a Cat. He brought the engine up, and we thought we would have a little fun at the show.. The next is a pic of Lilla lifting a 750 Holmes wrecker from a Big Horn that I had. (Big Horn is now in the care of Doug Maney)
  3. Mark, I know Johnny personally, a good friend...His "A"car is not pink, its purple... He got it about 11 years ago, and put about 800K miles on it so far... He didnt want to quit using the old "R"dog, but had to get something with an under reach on it.. If you look on my alblum, there is a pic of it on my trailer (for a photo opp only). It's owned by Lou Barber now, he used to drive that CH for me.. He got it as soon as Johnny retired the old girl, and it still gets some use towing an antique or two now and then.. By the way, Johnny put 1.2 million miles on the truck, and went as far as Utah to retrive a truck in it.. Who among us would love to start out on a trip like that in a 1967 "R" dog!!!!! Melvin was working part time for a year or so, then Bergey's told him, full time or no time, so he retired.. As you said, they lost the best parts man there ever was... I too purchased some "items" from the loft at Horner before the big take over.. Melvin was a HUGE help to me when I was restoring the B81... I even got a parts bock for it from him... Cliff PS. I'll attach a pic of the two trucks together in my back yard with Johnny and Louis standing by them...
  4. Melvin is retired almost a year now... He could spit out B Model part numbers for just about anything....
  5. Sorry guys, I forgot about the post... Keith, yes I still have it, thats the one I'm talking about.. I remember chatting with you at Macungie, hope all is well with you.. Southbound, just let me know when you want to come down, I'll be around...Cliff
  6. I have a 1965 F-715T daycab for sale. END864 V8, RT9 spd Fuller, 371 Rear. Former Mushroom Trans truck. There is pics of it in the old "for sale" area.. I'm not at my comp right now, but I'll post a couple pics later.. I'm in So Jersey too, just below Millville. Let me know if youre intrested.. Cliff
  7. I'm not sure if the DM's went to the hump back right away, but the U models had the flat back cab...
  8. By any chance is the truck you talking about with the flat back a "U" model?
  9. If it's hooked to the air tank and has a line coming from the service brakes, its just what the last guy said, an automatic moisture ejector... When you hit the brakes, it functions.... Cliff
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