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Everything posted by NorthernWhiteman

  1. It's sick how our government keep fucking us over & over.
  2. Who the fuck knew that a CVOR expired ???? I'm getting charged for a expired CVOR !!!! I'm just finding out that the laws changed December 01, 2008. Looks like the cop is a real prick & he says that he will pull the plates off my truck if I can't prove to him that the CVOR is good. He is off duty till Wednesday, then I will hear from him. With tickets he said.
  3. I have the same E7400 in my truck & the f**ker smokes more then me but only on start up. I'm suspecting that it could be the valve guides. My motor has 20 000 hrs on it.
  4. Time....time....time..... I wish I had time to waist like that clown. lol.......
  5. I'm with Freightrain, just tee it off the treadle valve & you should be good to go.
  6. This guy is on CRACK !!!!!!
  7. Let the air in the bags. The load leveling valve will do the work.
  8. It could be many factors at work here. What type of rear suspension do you have?
  9. Howdy Folks.... I guess I'm the new fart on the block. lol... I driver a 98 RD Mack tri-axle with a 21' dump box. This truck has a 400 hp & a 8 speed Lo,Lo Eaton Fuller transmission. I don't really know what else to say but, cool site !!!! I like what I've seen & you all seam to be a bunch of good guys. Thanks Whiteman
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