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Everything posted by ap40rocktruck

  1. Why chrome? is the steel / black bumper worn out? IMO, the truck looks great with the black bumper, i would not change a thing. Rick
  2. Nice history, more interesting variations of the favorite brand before the V. And again, the commonality of head light placement regulations in Europe, UK & the middle east. All sit consistently lower & with a greater separation space between the head lamps & turn signals. Rick
  3. MMM, so we will soon be able to add Chinese lead to the diets of so many, better learn hieroglyphics in order to read the new branded packaging. On a good note, maybe they will stop using the bloated cow P Dean to promote the salt laden pork & pork by products. Ap40
  4. They should have swept the headlights back like the RB, but yes still pretty ugly Rick
  5. Hefty book, 376 pages! Well over 1" thick, written & published here in the USA! Rick
  6. Hi All, I just received my copy of this amazing book on the complete history of the venerable Oshkosh WT-2206. An absolute MUST have & read for anyone interested in trucks, especially Oshkosh & snow removal. http://northlandpress.net/The_WT-2206_Americas_Cold_Warror.html Happy Reading Rick
  7. I second that, Super tough looking. Rick
  8. Nice heavy DM, to bad it is gone over seas. Rick
  9. Nice pics of Cliff Sharps B-81X before the rear fenders went on. Thanks for posting these Mark! Rick
  10. WOW, great bit of history, so obvious that the French are great at some things, vehicle design is NOT one of them...... Rick
  11. Great photos! Deff need to attended next year. Rick
  12. My word these are bring back memories. I still have & use my old shop-smith! Rick
  13. Thanks Vlad, I will add this one to my list of must haves! Rick
  14. Vlad, Great bit of info! What is the title of the Dutch book???? Rick
  15. Very interesting! would like to know more about this on as well. Rick
  16. Oh so nice Mark! Didn't Robert J Blazely have one, chain drive & a 220 Cummins?...... Rick
  17. 57BCR, i agree with you, they just ruined that R model......... Rick
  18. Well, glad to have a new neighbor on here, i am about 45 minutes south & a little east of you. I will keep my eyes out for a B. Welcome to the BMT Rick
  19. that sort of looks like a old Bur-Trans rig, would need to go & see it in person to be certain Rick
  20. Nice nice nice, any other shots of these 2 with more sunlight on them? Rick
  21. "I still don't understand why you would lump Rednecks in with the stupid, lazy, and ignorant, though, and quite honestly I'm still offended by the remark....seeing as how I are one. :tease:" Well if the term "redneck" is still such a personal slam, then how about HILLBILLY. Even though it is pretty much the same thing (A rose called any other name is still a rose), and still a slang term as opposed to the other terms used. Since this forum reaches a global community, the need for some lever of being PC (politically correct), so many of the more common "slang" terms may only be implied rather than being stated. RM
  22. Ya think!!! man oh man i can feel the hop coming over a set of back woods railroad tracks in my lower back just looking at it. Rick
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