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Everything posted by ap40rocktruck

  1. Bryan, Nice, great photos from you. Really enjoy your posts as well as you photostream. Very interesting colors on these B-81's with the light metallic-ish green on the cab & nose, while the more traditional red New England style chassis. Rick
  2. For the M-75SX it was the Allison DP-8900 series power shift. Rick
  3. WOW Bryan, looks so strange to see a original DM-6 with modern shiny ally's all around........ Rick
  4. Great side shot of the dump trailer. Any idea of the over all length of the trailer? Would be a great addition to model in 1/25 scale. Rick
  5. Very sharp colors on those trucks. Thanks for sharing Rick
  6. Thanks guys, just another day for trucks & fun. Wife is taking me out for dinner at the favorite joint Dinosaur BBQ. Highly recommended is you are in the area. http://www.dinosaurbarbque.com/locations/syracuse/ Thank's to the BMT for all the great members, friends & historians. Rick
  7. happy day wishes to you, Rick
  8. I should have put these here....my bad..... Anyway, Lomma's DC-200 Rick
  9. Sounds like another one to build...... So many ideas, so few hours in the day. Rick
  10. The DM-800 had a set of Planidrives stuffed in to the back end. Real tough looking monster. Rick
  11. Lomma's DM-800SX in the yard 2010. Rick
  12. I took these in the summer of 2010 in Lomma's Kearny yard. Cummins power, Allison powershift, Clark planetaries. Sitting & waiting for the next job. Rick
  13. Thanks Rob! Still need to build models of a few "other Casey Mack's" such as the CL-713, LMSWX & RW-713 Rick
  14. call your local dealership & give them the last 8, they can look it up, if you are nice....... Rick
  15. MMMMMM Home run ROB!!!! Right on KT Cummins to Allison CL(B)T-5960 (or 6061) 6 speed power shift & Clark BD-121 planetaries out back. When it was on coal duty, it had a Benson body on. Rick
  16. OK, here is my 1/25 scale 90% scratch built model of the WJ Casey DM800SX "Animal Crackers" I have to thank Jimmy Biondi & "Pudger" the fabricator in there assistance with all of the details & information to make the model as accurate as possible. I completed this project in November 2002, just before the rears were replaced with Rockwell 120K axles & being sold overseas. I keep this along with many others in my personal collection. at the time of build the power train was: Cummins 444XT, downgraded to 420hp, Allison CL(B)T-754 main trans, Spicer 4 speed split, Mack 80K rear & 14:00 x 24 boots all around. Rick
  17. Rob, Both the Beast & Supor's "Jersey Giant" are on the Kenworth 850 chassis. Another one on the list to model...... Rick
  18. 3408-DITA Cat i believe. Rick
  19. OK, Back on topic here...... A few of the M series that were run by Dolomite of Rochester NY until 2004 or so when the last one was sold to a slate quarry. Rick
  20. a Mack R model that was a tractor, light weight still has the 34K rears, and gets over loaded daily....... Rick
  21. Oh, and the modular trailer is a THP Goldhofer. Last i heard the Beast was sold to a heavy hauler out in Michigan......??? Rick
  22. Fantastic Rob!!! I have been looking for good photos of the Beast for a long time! I have had on my list to do, a 1/24 scale model of this truck to go with the model of Animal Crackers! Thank you! Rick
  23. Very impressive indeed. Was the engine changed as well? Overall, the CL-700 cab & hood looks natural on the M123 chassis. Thanks for sharing Rick
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