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BC Mack

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BC Mack last won the day on February 7 2017

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  1. I have a new-old-stock-in-box MH plate, is this the shape you are looking for??? not cheap...!!!! there are plenty of used ones around but they tend to crumble as you take them out set up for regular pedal, the factory grinds off the lugs if you have an air throttle as you can see on my old plate (which I cleaned up and put back in) I even took photos of the re-re if you need them PM me BC Mack
  2. don't panic yet..!!!!! depending on mileage (ours are toast at 350km of city work) it could be simply a piece of debris stuck in the valve body.... N-D-N-R a few times on the keypad when at idle may be all it needs.... it's one of the most common complaints we get.... check the code and the manual will run you through the problem, pressure checks etc, if you have to drop the pan that will expose the valve body and solenoids, if you have to remove any wiring be careful with the clips on the solenoids as they get brittle with the heat and the wiring can also 'snap'... BC Mack
  3. Sooooo, I get back to the tranny shop and see #1 guy there.... he searches the database and nothing comes up.... so we did a word search of all our on-line manuals and find it as a reference for one of the assembly sections... but no 'go to' button..... the text refers to water or glycol check as I mentioned before, water or glycol is kryptonite to these trans as the bonding glue holding the friction surface to its disc is water based and as the debonding occurs the friction surface comes apart... end of tranny he's going to dig deeper and get back to me if he can find info, but his comments were to flush the trans, flush again, filters, filters, run with synthetic and do lots of samples... make sure there is NO water or glycol coming back on the oil reports. not sure what your change frequency but we used ATF changing at 24,000km, now we have gone to Transynd at 72,000km changes, samples at 24k.... with retarders we were boiling the oil on downhill runs, synthetic took the heat with no issues... now the coolant overheats and warps the engine block..!!! can't win with hills... BC Mack
  4. I'm on vacation right now, will try to dig it out when I get back, if we have access to that one... hope you're in no hurry BC Mack
  5. you won't get too many guys on here experienced on Allison trans, as said it is mostly a dealer thing.... I've worked on the B400/500 but in a bus application, not too different to what you have... we have laptops and trans dyno to use so I am not going to point out any bush repairs as failure is costly with an Allison... and they don't work for too long with antifreeze in the clutchplates so hope you got there early and nothing leaked back into the trans. buses have a remote cooler because the retarder mounts at the rear but similar in application to what you have, an oil core inside a coolant can..!!!! I assume yours is an oblong unit under the output flange??. it is probably the source of your problem, but we don't see too many of that fault just blocked up with debris or cracks causing coolant drips...we remove them on a semi-regular basis for reverse flushing and pressure testing if the oil core has a leak we scrap the whole unit, we just fix the can. pressure inside the trans is up to 300psi so we use Transynd not ATF literature would be generic and there are manuals on ebay and how to videos on youtube (try 'Allison 4000') you have to be an approved Allison shop to get the on-line manual and they are VERY specific to serial number, especially for parts pages, I made my own up for all our variants but never printed the cooler section, or pto..!!. we pressurise the coolant side to 100psi immersed in a water tank, the reverse flush is done on a machine with a air/hyd pump and pushes about 150psi through them....not sure how you would hook up the hydraulic side on your unit if you get totally stuck I get back to my old shop occasionally, books are there, but I think you need info quicker hope this helped BC Mack
  6. took a pill, washed down with a bottle of Efes pilsner just to get in the mood.... unfortunately youtube has removed "destination doha" due to copyright issues but that was the definitive cult movie for the "gold run".... BC Mack
  7. what's old is new again..... power recovery turbines were used by Curtiss Wright on their radial aircraft engine the R-3350... used primarily on the Douglas DC-7 and Lockheed Super Constellation airliners, three PRT's used exhaust flow to transfer power to the crankshaft raising power from about 2800hp up to 3500hp.... recent adaptations in air racing with nitrous has seen 4500hp... and no EGR valve...!!! BC Mack
  8. Vlad my other secret is to make a 4 wheel trolley and roll the trans back on it until it bumps into a crossmember, then lift it with a small engine crane, remove the blocking, slide it back some more... easy with a cabover, even easier with a forklift... but it was better to drop it than lift it out, less stuff to move out of the way, you just have to lift the engine enough to have the rear mounts clear then block the trans on the trolley... my 2 cents, worked for me given the environment I had to work in... didn't need to fully remove the trans, just had a disk stuck to the centre plate.. I also removed my bus engine by blocking up the engine and towing the bus forward..!!! there's always another way to do stuff... BC Mack
  9. Vlad pics of installing clutch with 18 speed, another trick is to make two guide studs for top as it helps with alignment BC Mack
  10. http://www.bendix.com/en/servicessupport/documentlibrary/doclib_1.jsp search for ..... d-2 open SD-01-503 16psi per full turn clockwise to lower... but I would do it in stages useful website for all Bendix info HTH BC Mack
  11. that's the lower damper support.... on the V8 it is attached to a bracket on top of the compressor, yours looks like a Cummins?... I'd flip it over 180 and go looking for a couple of spare holes around the valve covers.. the damper goes sideways to the long linkage so it looks in position right now on Farmer52's photo the damper is not installed, you can see the empty elongated slot below the mount BC Mack
  12. trans pressure (I surmise Allison) is much higher than shop air... if that is what you were using for test.. take a coolant sample and get it tested agreed that nat gas engine oil stays light brown but so does trans atf or transynd BC Mack
  13. The funny thing is..... Canada used to drive on the left, it followed British colonial rules, switched over to the right on Jan 1st 1922 http://www.vancouversun.com/life/week+history+switching+from+left+right+thing/11625241/story.html can you imagine the lane switching at the border crossings today if we hadn't changed..!!! BC Mack
  14. deja-vu all over again...25+ years later... PB 372 BC Mack
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