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Everything posted by OldRedMack

  1. I've thought of this before, because really the space in the bed that is built around the dog house of the cylinder is wasted space that is only good for collecting dirt and asphalt. Why not start the bed after the hoist and build bolt in toolboxes to fill the space that could be hinged to swing out of the way to get to the cylinder.
  2. As we have been replacing floors and sides in our other trucks, we have been going back with AR.
  3. Use AR steel, getting my bed made out of AR450 was the best thing we've done. 5 years of use and no dents dings or scratches in the body, aside from paint the bed still looks brand new. 1/4" on the floor and 3/16" on the side. She's a little heavy, but there is nothing I can't or won't haul with it. Also a high-lift gate.
  4. If you have the turbo already then put it on and go for a test drive. If it doesn't seem right then take it back off.
  5. If you're use too eaton/fuller trans this will always feel in between gears. My only advice for that is using the low/low and low holes in the high range. Low/low is kinda in between 2-3 gear and low is kinda in between 3-4 gear.
  6. I need 1 of them down in here in Atlanta.
  7. It wouldn't hurt too pressure check the intake, install a boost gauge.
  8. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If it won't kill you financially if something goes wrong, then my vote is to give it a shot.
  9. What engine? Em7 300?
  10. Not similar at all. Turbo, injectors, manifold and you will be happy with the 370. Stock you will not be happy.
  11. YTS turbochargers in griffin, Georgia. Tell him what you have and he will take care of you.
  12. Just curious, what is the diversity like in Minnesota?
  13. Been watching the news, cheering for the tear gas.
  14. This hurts my feelings, a bulldog on the front with spring suspension, but not camelback. Just not right.
  15. I just love the look of a granite tractor.
  16. They still have all the tunes, just depends if your local dealer wants to help you or not. They have to ask permission from czar volvo to do it, so you might be sitting around for a couple hours.
  17. I havent had a chance to get to it yet.
  18. No, going to have to check on that.
  19. 1 with fuller 9L and 4.64, 1 with 8ll 4.64, 1 with 8ll 4.42, 1 with 8ll and I'm guessing mid to high 3s cause that truck will run 90mph, 1 with a super 10 and low 4s. I really like the super 10, but with no deep reduction it will wear your leg out under the milling machine. The quick shift doesn't bother me, I have had to learn how to let the jakes hit between shifts. I have no doubt this truck could probably use a taller gear, but if the trans is still a pain, is it worth it? I've talked to other guys who say there t310mlr shifts nice and easy, so if I need a rebuild and it costs 7k or I can get a fuller for $3,500. I hate to give up on the mack trans, but I feel like the $ is making the choice for me.
  20. Lol, I've been waiting for you. Cant argue with you tho. I can jump in all of our other trucks and not miss a beat, then get back in this truck and it's like I've never driven before. I was just holding out hope that I was doing something wrong and someone could show me the light.
  21. That's part of the problem, if you don't run up the rpm this trans does not want to go into gear.
  22. Comparing the 8ll to the 310mlr, would the difference in ratios really feel that different? Would that be enough to drive me insane, because all of my driving previous to this truck was all 8ll.
  23. 24.5 on the tires. The low low is really low, slower than all of our 8ll double lows, which is great when we are milling like ahubbard said. My problems are 1-4, even loaded unless I'm climbing a hill I usually go 1-3 and skip 2nd. Then starting out empty I go to the high side and put it in double low then shift to low then 5-6-7-8. The high side of double low is in a range between 2nd and 3rd gear. Shifting like that seems to be the smoothest where it feels like all the gear steps are setup correctly. Even doing a rolling stop loaded it slides right into the high side double low nice and smooth and takes right off shifting smooth thru high side low and 5-6-7-8.
  24. I dont think anything is letting go, it's done this the whole we have owned it and I'm the only 1 that drives it. I guess it wouldn't hurt to pull the plugs and refill, maybe previous owner put in wrong fluid? Any idea on the right trans fluid? Warm weather climate in GA.
  25. General road manors, it's not near as bad in the high range and have plenty of top end speed. But in the low range it feels like the gears are to close together. You run the rpm up where the truck wants to shift at and then you have to wait until wheel speed slows to get it to mesh right. The 4.17 makes sense. How do you run those numbers?
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