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Craig Schulz

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    QLD, Australia

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  1. Yeah tires available
  2. Can't get 24.5x8.25 rims in australia
  3. Yeah 24.5" tubeless rim to fit 11r24.5 tires. Demountable open centre to fit spider
  4. Hello. Who would be able to help me source 24.5x8.25 demountable rims from USA to be shipped to australia. Thank you for any help.
  5. Hello does anyone know if 65000pound camelback came with 20" spider hubs. As most had either 22" our 24" hubs. I am chasing 20" hubs for my truck with crd95-96 axles as 20" rims are popular in australia
  6. I wish I could get that red hood over here in australia
  7. Yeah just like the look of the western ones. Would like modify one onto my Australian r 700
  8. Has anybody seen the western style R700 hoods in Australia?
  9. Has anyone fitted a exhaust brake to a mack e9 and use the dynotard at the same time
  10. mack 866 v8 parts motor,new gasket set etc. enough gud parts 2 build 1 gud 866,and have a heap of gud spares etc 4 heads and more leftover.if anyone is interest drop me a line thanks, buy the way i am in queensland australia. ph 0408623076
  11. hello iam after parts for 866 mack v8,liners ,main bearings???
  12. g'day. rebuilding a 866 v8, was wondering if any1 new where a set of 20 thou under main bearings were? thanks
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