The next day we flew to Melbourne and met the bus (with NO legroom!!!) and did a short sightseeing trip thru town and proceeded southeast to the Phillip Island Nature Park to observe the Penguins come out of the sea for their nightly nesting. Sunday was a busy day, we visited 4 private collections!!!! ATHS Member David Driver, owner of the Gray Line Tour franchise, picked us up at the hotel and we made our first stop at his collection. The Pontiac 6 on the rollback was his father's and uncle's first vehicle they started the bus business with in 1932. The 1947 Bedford by its self in a garage is the first new bus they bought after WW2. The next stop was at the late Ian Lee's shop and collection of EVERYTHING!!!! The first picture is is (l to r) bus owner David Driver, the late Ian lee, and ATHS Past president John Vanatta saying hello. Where we also received "Morning Tea" put on by the ladies with some unique sandwiches. The third stop I named "The boneyard in a sheep pasture" protected by a big a$$ed billy goat. The owner, in a single picture, had a lot of restore able and parts vehicles. The last stop was at, then ATHS chapter president's, Archie Baines facility. A large majority of the ATHS chapter showed up bringing their trucks and put on a BBQ style dinner. They also had their member recruitment panel van there so we could buy souvenir T shirts. His boneyard was also in a cow pasture.