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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Brocky

  1. Vermont was another one.. I got my title that way..
  2. Paul is right.. Send your info to the Mack Museum in Allentown PA with a donation and the will send you a bunch of info...
  3. Harry Our standard voltage for most everything is 110. Stoves, dryers, hot water heaters, and heavier electric motors are 220. I had to get an adapter to plug my 110 phone charger into your 240 when we were on the Down Under Tour.
  4. Our crank phone number was 28Y22.. Line 28 The Y or F indicted the the length of the first ring.. our was 2 shorts and 2 longs.. The fire house was 4 longs and the telephone operator plugged into all the lines and alerted everybody to a fire..
  5. Bob, I was the same.. Grew up in Brooktondale NY about 10 miles southeast of Ithaca. 1 general store buy anything, 2 room school house, volunteer fire station with 2 trucks and 2 churches.. PLUS we still had crank phones until 1964!!!!!!
  6. That is good!!!! He like to side with his Demonocratic buddys...
  7. And on the GW when it was $20, DO NOT try to give them a $100 bill!!!! You got pulled over to the side and had to go in the office and they treated you like you were the worst counterfeiter in the country.... If I rermember right when I was dispatching for Matlack in Norristown PA the GW was $6 and the Tri-Bourgh was $4.50 and we bought books of tickets by mail and issued them per trip.
  8. That is a real great find!!!!!! I remember them fondly!! Some diners also used them to scramble their eggs to make a fluffy omlet.. I do not reconigise the "Ritter" name... Was it an Australian assembly company for General Electric???
  9. The mid 60's is when the child psychologists started saying you were supposed to "Talk" to children, NOT Whup their Butts.. Ever since then the lack of discipline has eroded in both the learning levels and the level of respect for others in the generations which followed!!
  10. Looks like another place to send Musk's Nerd Squad!!!!!!!
  11. Happy Birthday!!! And thank you for help all of us Mack fans by having this website available to us..
  12. I think there are a couple of Red Robins up by Greenville, but have never been to one... I still like the Burger King croissants for breakfast better than egg McMuffins.
  13. I guess she does NOT understand that "Illegal entry" does not qualify the person for the citizens rights under the Constitution????
  14. Thanks, I had only seen that twin steer and spread drives set up in Quebec.. Did not know Conn's weight distribution laws allowed them down here????
  15. That looks like a Quebec Canada truck??? Are you using it in Conn for your business???
  16. We flew from Sydney to Ayers Rock and were met by a bus. The hotel took us to an evening sunset view of the Rock and served a buffet dinner. Where we froze our butts off!!! The next morning our bus took us to the sunrise viewing area and around the Rock to caves with Aboriginal sacred markings in them. This is where we met the couple with the red KW who were on their way to Alice Springs. We went east on Hwy 4, stopping at a "self contained" cattle station (ranch for us) for lunch. They had a grocery store, fuel pumps, restaurant, laundry, diesel power generating building, apartment complex for the help, and an air strip. During lunch the lady who operated the station told us they had 20,000 over 1 million acres of land to run 4000 head of cattle and that they used water trucks to draw the cattle into corrals. We then went north on the Sturart Hwy (A97) to Alice Springs stopping a a truck stop for a leg stretcher. Here is Slim Dusty's description of Ayrers Rock:
  17. Thank you!! I got to know Tom thru the ATCA Vintage Trucks of Florida chapter.. He was a very inventive man...
  18. Paul, Yes I remember there bring a discussion about the Burma Dodges on one of these websites and had posted these pictures there. here is another picture of the engine compartment.
  19. Also my feeble mind says that I saw an article somewhere (??) with finished pictures of the tilt nosed B model pick up which was being built for the same man(??) who owned the mostly finished B model in the shop and was painted the same color??? Any of you Aussies please feel free to correct me..
  20. The "Princess" was built by the late Ian Lee, who liked to name his bigger projects. Here are the spec placards displayed with the truck in Alice Springs:
  21. Welcome to BMT!!!!! It is great to see an older truck being put to work!!!! Is the Spencer you are leased to any relation to the late Tom Spencer who restored a lot of Macks up in the Wilkes Barre area?????
  22. I think(?????) I have finally figured out Flicker!!!!! The last batch of pictures are finally almost in the right order!!!! The first three batches are basically in backwards order?? I hope you can figure that out and enjoy.. Brocky
  23. The next day we flew to Melbourne and met the bus (with NO legroom!!!) and did a short sightseeing trip thru town and proceeded southeast to the Phillip Island Nature Park to observe the Penguins come out of the sea for their nightly nesting. Sunday was a busy day, we visited 4 private collections!!!! ATHS Member David Driver, owner of the Gray Line Tour franchise, picked us up at the hotel and we made our first stop at his collection. The Pontiac 6 on the rollback was his father's and uncle's first vehicle they started the bus business with in 1932. The 1947 Bedford by its self in a garage is the first new bus they bought after WW2. The next stop was at the late Ian Lee's shop and collection of EVERYTHING!!!! The first picture is is (l to r) bus owner David Driver, the late Ian lee, and ATHS Past president John Vanatta saying hello. Where we also received "Morning Tea" put on by the ladies with some unique sandwiches. The third stop I named "The boneyard in a sheep pasture" protected by a big a$$ed billy goat. The owner, in a single picture, had a lot of restore able and parts vehicles. The last stop was at, then ATHS chapter president's, Archie Baines facility. A large majority of the ATHS chapter showed up bringing their trucks and put on a BBQ style dinner. They also had their member recruitment panel van there so we could buy souvenir T shirts. His boneyard was also in a cow pasture.
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