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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Brocky

  1. I always love your New England pinstriping!!
  2. Yep!!! Noticed he was still passing when the lane ended!!
  3. Kieth I have no idea?? Try sending an email direst to Steve Rosemond the ATHS RVP and one of the officers of the Corbitt group.. steverosemond@yahoo.com
  4. When our company, Wrangler Blue Jeans, allowed us to install inverters in our tractors they REQUIRED us to purchase 2/0 welding cable..
  5. The Corbitt 100th anniversary show in 2010 at Henderson NC
  6. Does he have it listed with the Corbitt Preservation Society?? Last I knew they only were aware of about 200 known left to exist..
  7. My Detour was about the same??? 6 days on 2 of the islands in Hawaii on the way home.. Whole deal was about$25k..
  8. Paul Plan on going to OZ in late August of 2020.. That is when the Australian Truckie's Hall of Fame Reunion takes place in Alice Springs.. In May(+/-) is the Hauling of the Hume(Youtube It) which if i could not be there for I would like to rent a motorhome and travel it.. Here is a link to the 9 page report of our trip to Alice in 2015:: http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/84264/Down-Under-Trip?Keywords=Down Under Trip
  9. I realize it is only a fiction novel but the press is acting exactly how Tom Clancy described it in Executive Orders with their not accepting Ryan as he was not a Washington Insider.. Trump has a lot to learn about handling the press, But let's all of US give him a little while to learn.
  10. That interior looks factory new!!! Somebody has taken GOOD care if it. Agree with Jim, It will look good in your shop!!! Are those rear tires a Russian / European version of our Super Singles???
  11. Brocky


    Not Really.. It was just that the SORE LOSER Liberal Press showed more of them on the TV!!!
  12. There is a town up in the hard coal region of northeast Pennsylvaia (Think it is Centralia???) that has had a fire in the mine under town burning for the last 30+ YEARS.. FWD or Quadbox can maybe add some more details?
  13. Tom Great Pictures.. Here is another as it arrived at the Corbitt show in Henderson for the 100th anniversary show in 2012..
  14. This morning's local news, an NBC affiliate, had almost as much time about the protests as about the inauguration. I guess the NBC owners are still as sore as George Soros about the election outcome!!
  15. Local wrecks not much, BUT on longer haul transport probably real handy.. Also the operator can haul a co-driver back as well..
  16. And now the wonderful rule makers have cut the 14 hour work day back to an actual 13&1/2 because your mandated 30 minute break does not stop the 14 hour clock!!!
  17. Brocky


    Perfect Transportation
  18. Also notice he "drifted" over into the plow as at that speed he could not hold it in his lane.. Steering wheel holders and electronic logs make for safer drivers, JUST ask our Gubbermint!!
  19. Some of the short nosed (forget model #) Diamond T, REO and Diamond Reo's all had to 15 degree tilt Cummins 855s.
  20. Over the years I have found that a smile and courtesy has got me thru several inspection which could have been big tickets.
  21. It is interesting that all these criminal indictments are coming out in the 2 weeks before Obumma leaves??? BUT he could not find anything WRONG with Hildabrutes conduct???
  22. Ernie Lear's F-1000 is a very sharp truck. Would love to have it.
  23. There are a lot of those steering wheel holders with "Wrap Around" Stetsons pulling reefers out of the Bakersfield / Fresno valley.
  24. Diamond T also built a similar looking wood framed COE with suicide doors in the late 30's.. Tom Warren in Amarillo TX has one, but I do not know if he has restored it yet or not. A few years ago I think the was a similar cabbed Autocar PP&G line truck at Macungie?? Anybody remember it??
  25. That is one of the BIG Satellite dishes on the roof also..
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