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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. We have the Duck Tours in Pittsburgh.
  2. I was going to offer my condolences regarding your friend lying on the berm, then I looked a little higher and saw the oversize load.
  3. Looks like Glassport would be a destination to consider the next time I go sightseeing in the Pittsburgh area.
  4. Welcome, nice ride, good luck in your search for a B, and Happy Birthday!
  5. Looks great! I'd stay with the silver bumper also since the wheels are no longer black it looks good with the grille.
  6. Just last week I was in that cemetery in Boston. I'm happy to say I walked out. Lotsa pride and rainbows in this thread.
  7. The same can be said for most interstates in the east. Legal parking spaces are far outnumbered by the amount of trucks on the road. I'm sure truckers are choosing to park on shoulders and ramps because they like how the crown in the road sends blood to their heads or feet while sleeping. Where are these safe, legal places to nap that you speak of, Mr Baker? I see bad parking decisions being made on a nightly basis but those drivers make up a very small percentage of the total number of those parked for their 10 hour breaks. Methinks $$$ could be part of their motivation.
  8. When I read the title I never would've imagined I'd be taking Wal*Mart's side in this dispute. Take any of their driver's salaries and divide it by total hours worked and then tell me they are not earning minimum wage. All Wal*Mart needs to do to satisfy the court is cut or freeze pay in other areas and then add it back to the pay package in the form of more accessorial pay. Where does it end? As a driver myself I should probably feel more sympathetic toward the drivers, but I see this lawsuit as frivolous and a complete waste of time.
  9. Beautiful. Best of luck with it.
  10. The wheels look fantastic on the G. I like the Freightliner too. I'm with Ken on the Visions being ex-Air Products.
  11. LOL, I work bankers hours compared to NoStopJoe66. Just hearing a recap of a typical week of his usually leaves me feeling like I need a power nap.
  12. Nice jeep! Waitin' for midnight to get some hours back but by the time I got rolling, all my stops were closed.
  13. The tattoo artist that did the tramp stamp should've charged for hazard pay.
  14. I like the coin slot in the pay phone pic.
  15. They also pull from the rail yard in Harrisburg.
  16. I've heard stories like this but none that ended with injuries as serious as yours. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Your willingness to share your story and photos will without a doubt save someone else from a similar fate.
  17. She doesn't have a beard which tells me you weren't at Wal*Mart. Spoken like a true American. If you ever decide to apply for citizenship in the US you will have no problem passing the bullshitter test.
  18. Post it once, wait about 30 seconds, and refresh the page. Your reply should be there.
  19. I just noticed, that's quite a detailed reflection of the bulldog on the hood.
  20. I don't care if it's a load of manure, the driver should be present (and at least somewhat interested) when someone else is in or on his equipment.
  21. I'd say that's it. I don't think very many trucks had those rounded window openings on an otherwise square cab.
  22. Nice mix of various brands from different eras.
  23. Wave a free dinner at me and I'll show you how I can get a loaded tractor trailer to stop on a dime.
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