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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Good to hear the cop was able to confirm what actually happened. Some drivers are against having dash cams but my personal opinion is that it's much more likely to be used to my advantage than disadvantage. They're definitely creating problems for the lowlifes who try to bs their way out of being held accountable for their actions, even to the point of causing problems for the innocent driver. There needs to be additional charges against those losers for lying to a cop.
  2. Wow! You ain't kidding! What's on the schedule for tomorrow, a space shuttle move, perhaps?
  3. I'm thinking it's an issue with my vision. If I can't see a big red KW across the highway with it's hood up, I'm certainly not going to see some dude with a runny nose and no pants standing on a street corner in Hellertown, PA. The next time you see me coming, run out in the street and I'll let you know immediately if I saw you or not.
  4. I guess everyone is busy today. Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day. Get home safe if you're travelling.
  5. The door handles don't look like anything I've seen on an International. Also the door window opening is curved at the bottom rear. That's why I ruled out Ford. I'm thinking it's somewhat rare model.
  6. Sure didn't take long for that truck to rise to stardom.
  7. Nice variety of subjects. That's pretty neat that your mom went for a ride with you, and not just around the block!
  8. I can't like it, but I like it! Any ideas on what the make is of that red cabover next to the Brockway? Ford was my first (wrong) guess, maybe a Marmon?
  9. I'm not convinced that the White Compact is a 1990 model, or that it has a VT-903.
  10. Dammit! I passed by while heading north at about 8:45 Wednesday night and looked for you in the NB pickle park (I always do). Meanwhile you were sitting across the street with your hood up! I should've been back through heading south at around 11:00 but my relay was pushed out from North Lima to Warren, OH so you were gone by the time I got back to Bridgeville. By the time I spotted you it would've been too late to pull in but still, WTF! I might have even waved to you!
  11. You're hole is very large and red. What have you been doing? Don't answer that. 1. Dig large hole. 2. Demolish house. 3. Bury demo in hole.
  12. When was this moron born, in the 80's? If he sees that as a hazard he's obviously never slipped of a set of metal monkey bars and landed on concrete.
  13. Excellent. One of the nicest looking b models I've ever seen.
  14. Best of luck with it. How many chains did you use to secure the dozer in the top pic?
  15. Welcome and best of luck. There has been some discussion on the early "MP" engines, some have had problems with the DPF system and others have not. My employer had issues with it's '08 MP7's, but I don't know if the MP8's had similar problems. Hopefully someone will chime in with details or you can start another topic in the Engine and Transmission forum.
  16. Holy crap, what a hill! No wonder you're afraid to take it out of low on the 6 speed! Great to hear from you and that all is well.
  17. The only dash like that that I'd seen in person was in a '68 R685T when I was a kid. It had the angled gauges and dual tachographs. It was also a darker color, possibly the olive drab if it were available as an option at the time. Having only seen the standard, mint green dashboards up to that point, I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
  18. Studying "Infrastructure History" with an emphasis on bridges and tunnels is a favorite pastime of mine. Some folks are interested in fossils, but I get excited when cobblestones are found below several layers of asphalt.
  19. I checked out Spagnoli Rd on Earth and it wasn't clear enough to see the bridge but I could see what appears to have been a right-of way east of 110. I honestly never knew there was so more to it than a road that crisscrossed the L.I.E. a few times in Suffolk, until I came across this article on ForgottenNY a few years ago. http://forgotten-ny.com/2000/07/long-island-motor-parkway/
  20. That will look cool with all those gauges, even if some are redundant.
  21. Nice. Are you going to use tachographs or the standard speedo and tach?
  22. Where was that? I thought there were still some being used as walkways in parks in Queens.
  23. Start with a girl in a car, add some big trucks and some history, and finish with a girl in a car. Definitely one of the POTW top 10.
  24. You might wanna cut the dose on the Monster. His eyes are starting to bug out.
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