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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Welcome and good luck with your project. I believe the museum in Basking Ridge belongs to a collector.
  2. When I think of what Long Island used to be, this is like reading a Sci-Fi/Horror story. The area seems to have been invaded by a form of life that is far worse than the Martians we once feared.
  3. Happy Birthday.
  4. I would think bacon aroma would be present in the morning, resulting in a sewage aroma in the afternoon.
  5. Freightliner fan club? I figured the DPF was probably close to needing to be cleaned but since it was done last year it should be good for another few 100k. I have to ask, are you hard on equipment?
  6. At least you didn't blow another rear, so to speak. How many miles on it? Has the DPF been cleaned before?
  7. Gripping. I hope that guy is wearing a pink hardhat for breast cancer awareness and not because he likes the color. It's probably the white Volvos. They're everywhere.
  8. I remember seeing those LJ Kennedy Macks when I was a kid and they were still using that paint scheme when I was working construction at Battery Park and WTC 7 in the mid-80's. They also had some F models in those colors.
  9. Thanks for checking. They appear smaller to me, probably because of the shape.
  10. I suggest you wear gloves when attempting that.
  11. That is fantastic! Do you know the capacity of the tanks?
  12. Welcome. Looking forward to seeing photos of your project. I take it the truck was at the station when it burned?
  13. Ringo had quite a collection of holes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK0R272RjXI
  14. All American sounds reasonable given the time frame. That might not be the right answer, but it works for me! AA was a chain but the few I've been in all had a "mom & pop" feel to them.
  15. Thanks for clarifying the location. I was wondering at first if that was the Coliseum in the background. Interesting tractor on the corner.
  16. Nicely put, but I have to disagree with you on the condition of your MH. At the very least it's pretty f%ing clean!
  17. I camped out overnight several times at that truck stop in Doswell when I was delivering Wal*Mart Groceries for the Great Pumpkin. I can't remember what it was called 15 years ago, but I liked the old school, non-national chain restaurant.
  18. Welcome!
  19. I think the one with the extra Freightliner key needs to go.
  20. I think it looks good. I hope the bottom pic was taken after the top one.
  21. Looks awesome. That was quite a transformation.
  22. Beautiful scenery. Looking at the roads I'd say it's a good thing you don't have any pics of trucks
  23. I'm in lust with the dark green F model. I couldn't even look at the Granite after that.
  24. Pinstripes and a vertical logo on the trailer. Classic!
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