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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. I just noticed the brand name: Stupidiotic.
  2. All I had to do was remove my reading glasses. That's a neat little radio. It looks as if it's parked at a truckstop and plugged into IdleAir.
  3. Condolences to you and your family.
  4. $1.97 a pack? What a moron! I only paid $2.09 a pack for mine!
  5. I can't see the dashboard but the cab looks like a pre-'73. I'm assuming that a 73 DM-800 would have the larger cab since length was obviously not an issue.
  6. I'm glad I don't have to shop for presents for you. What do you get for the man who has everything?
  7. Since he needed new shoes anyway, he should consider a pair of Cat boots to serve as a reminder of what not to do.
  8. I does seem like a waste to have all that hood and put a 6-71 under it, but I'm sure it made sense to whoever spec'd it that way.
  9. That's quite a pantry you have at your house. Back when I was good at drinking, I could've downed a 12 pack and still functioned normally (my normal anyway). Nowadays if I were to walk in that room and smell the empty bottles I'd prolly pass out.
  10. Sure thing. I'll even use a little more finesse than the last guy that woke you up on that ramp.
  11. Lucky for you there's a Fairview in WV. No need to go to the one up by Erie.
  12. It should come with a pack of Ex-Lax. Once I start using it I'm not gonna want to stop.
  13. If I drank that much I wouldn't be able to make it to that chair. At least my ass wouldn't.
  14. I didn't think you could live in IL and not seen a gazillion of those factory-built raised roof IH's. This being an aftermarket add-on has me wondering why other truck builders were slow follow suit, if at all, when KW introduced the Aerodyne in the mid-70's.
  15. Sickening. Any driver that doesn't understand enough English to be able read a help wanted ad should not be driving a commercial vehicle on our roads.
  16. Nice shots, as always. I didn't think you spotted me on 220. I was going stop and buy you dinner, but I didn't have time. I had less than an hour to make a delivery appointment 6 hours away. I just made it with a few minutes to spare.
  17. Nice pics and interesting info on the livestock business.
  18. Congratulations!
  19. Click on the Wiki tab up top. Lots of great info there, including model designations.
  20. I always look forward to seeing your pics every so often. At 1 year of age, I'm sure she's already smart enough to see through the MSNBCBS.
  21. Sounds like you've earned some bragging rights: "80 tons? Heck, we move that much before breakfast!"
  22. Best of Luck!
  23. This one is a "Pro Sleeper" meaning it had a flat floor. The "doghouse" was a mere 2" rise in the floor. That in combination with the raised roof made for one HUGE interior. Borrowed from Flickr.
  24. Are you referring to just Eagle trimmed raised roof cabovers? Schneider, CRST, and JB Hunt had thousands raised roof 9700's (that's the setback axle version). The one above looks as if it might be aftermarket because of the way the roof angles up at the back of the cab, but the overall shape is similar to the OEM version.
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