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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Not no but...HELL NO!!!
  2. Will the wires be protected from the elements?
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Interesting, especially Swishy's comment on the four layers of paint. The pics on that forum show the half-dogs on the doors. I'm surprised anyone noticed the Ford cab with so much effort put into disguising it!
  5. Still bitter about the GTO...
  6. Beautiful scenery and some neat toys. Even the "junk" in your neighbor's yard is cool!
  7. I did read about an A-C powered Freightliner, possibly a demo, but a few of these also made it into Kenworths. There's a W900 that has been restored and is solid purple in color, IIRC. Some of the A-C equipped trucks came from the factory with purple as the primary color in their paint scheme.
  8. Dover Brake in Dover OH has them, as does many of the trucks where I work.
  9. Keystone Specialty Products. I'll have to ask one of my buddies at the door company what's going on with them. I wonder what brand and size those engines are. The company is Frac Tech Services, they have a location on Rte 519, just outside of Eighty Four.
  10. Coming along nicely. That's one tough looking bumper.
  11. I think I'll just have mashed potatoes and a sweet tea. The picture of her is actually flattering, but I think she'd look better with a full beard.
  12. I was going to suggest a library since that's the only place I ever heard the word "microfiche". In fact, I think the last time I heard it was in the same sentence as "card catalog".
  13. GM certainly showed up for the party. The Jag is looking good and the sculptures are pretty cool, too.
  14. They should be given to all owners for free at this point. Vibrating has been an issue all the way back to the first Visions that used those mirrors and is still an issue 15 years later. Bad enough that the problem hasn't been corrected, but then they want to rip the customers off on those clips. Any type of makeshift fix restricts to movement of the mirror, which is a problem in my case since I share a truck with another driver. Fortunately mine are still rigid, but the truck has only 120k miles on it, so I figure it's just a matter of time.
  15. That hiney deserves blue ribbon.
  16. Next door to Schwebels there used to be a place that would finish some of our doors when I drove for the door company. We were in there every week, drop off Tuesday and pick up Friday. They seemed to be pretty busy at the time. I went on Google Earth to get the name and another business is in there now. They had white MH parked out back that I had pictures of and can't find. It's gone too. NOS tank must've been empty. It's 7 miles from Barrett Hill Rd to the Laboratory off ramp. I just wish they trusted me enough to let me carry a fuel card so I wouldn't have to keep changing trucks when I get low on fuel.
  17. The R models I drove had the driver's door handle in the 8:00 position and passenger door handle in the 4:00 position. Then again, they could have been repositioned at some point.
  18. Were some installed at the factory in a way that the door would open when pushed down and lock when pulled up?
  19. I love the wide open spaces in the Midwest, maybe because I spend most of my time in the hills. My house is even on top of a hill. I didn't know your Dad was still driving. That's a very nice ride he has. Is it possible the calendar you have next to the vent is what's making it feel so warm in the cab?
  20. Could have stopped up in PA and gone to work for me. It would've been a breeze for you-no wiggle wagons or breaking sets.
  21. I've never seen the clips. How do they attach to the mirror?
  22. That list is alarming. Quite a few That I was unaware of.
  23. I broke down once and a farmer offered to fix my truck while I milked his cows. Some of us truckers get the best of both worlds.
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