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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. You sir are living the dream.
  2. Holy Crap! I just saw the video with the flying trailers. That's a KW dealer next door to Schneider.
  3. Good to hear your okay.
  4. I thought I'd seen it, but clicked anyway. It's my rebel nature I reckon. That was fun to watch. I'm hoping I have many years left to spend behind the wheel but I can say now that my favorite view as a driver will always be looking through the windshield of an R model.
  5. That's good news, be careful and best of luck to you. The truck looks great, it doesn't get any better than black spokes. I remember Gallo being a fairly common name on the Island.
  6. Look at how the gauges are angled toward the driver. The company where my Dad worked that had the BCR bought a used '68 R685 That had this feature and two of those Sangamo Tachographs in place of the factory speedo and tach. This one appears to have a hole where one was used for the speedo. I also remember the interior being either olive green like the early 70's or possibly that shade of light brown that was used on the metal parts of the interior beginning around '75 or '76 Couldn't post the pic, had to attach. untitled.bmp
  7. I tried to convince them those were just friction burns, but they were still grossed out.
  8. I didn't know that certain digits were used by all manufacturers for the same purpose.I figured each mfg had it's own code. It's a bit unsettling to see "DOT" and "mathematical formula" in the same sentence. I would think the result would be an explosion at the very least. It there was no burning sensation, then it was a good #1.
  9. I just noticed you were hangin' out with 3 chicks at the same time. When I was your age I don't think I hung out with 3 all year, let alone get them to agree to pose for a picture with me.
  10. It was Betty Davis Eyes. http://videosift.com/video/Buh-weet-Sings-Fee-Tines-a-Mady-Wookin-Po-Nub
  11. That's what I was hoping to find, the one with the ???? song. I thought it was Una Panoonah Banka until I saw the video.
  12. I hereby declare Wookin pa nub the official "get back off topic" solution.
  13. Only 21 seconds but still great stuff. Mickey Gilley was on a recent episode of American Pickers and I somehow got to thinking about Eddie Murphy and Wookin' Pa Nub.
  14. Click on the link under the photo......IF YOU DARE!!
  15. Now you've done it. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xaloeu_saturday-night-live-james-brown-s-c_fun
  16. Dammit. I thought it was the other way around. I'm afraid to ask, what's the rule for hot tubs? I know it's okay to pee in a jacuzzi because the jets make impossible to see, but everyone knew that...right?
  17. Sorry, I have nothing to offer. I just want to wish you well in your recovery and see if I can learn something here.
  18. Nothing wrong with always having something to strive for. Remember, when your at the top, the only way is down.
  19. Uh...yes, of course. Those are legitimate terms so you still get the "Good Housekeeping Seal Of Approval".
  20. You need to "feather the throttle". It saves fuel and low flying aircraft are an easier target.
  21. There were 923 B-422's built from1960-65. I'm not that intelligent, it's in the Wiki section. I repeat, I'm not that intelligent,
  22. I can't see your hands so it must be BMT. I'm heading up to the "North Coast" for the next four days. Not as exciting, but only 3.5 hours away. Editors Note: The North Coast refers to the Ohio shore of Lake Erie. There are many who live more than 5 miles from the Ohio shore of Lake Erie that wouldn't know that either.-Ed
  23. Well that's awkward. I have got to learn to read ALL of the replies before hitting the POST button. I have a waterproof cover for my laptop, but I usually remove it before coming on BMT, and before my Wife gets home.
  24. That's a nice detailed collection of pictures for those of us that have never been able to get close to one. I once climbed up to an overhead crane that was atop a 34 story building I was working on when in construction. I couldn't operate it, just sat at the controls. You almost feel as if your suspended in mid-air. The solitude is nice, but you know when there's a breeze. I'm glad I know what a Bobcat witth a pecker is and that ass means rear section
  25. It's easy to delete a post, just look at......nevermind, why spoil a good thing?
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