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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Under the new rule, you would be in violation for discussing them on the internet without a Tanker endorsement.
  2. I'm sure WVDOH got right out there to make sure the road was safe.
  3. The D.O.T. around here keeps an eye on all vehicles towing trailers. There were some accidents over the period of a few years where trailers broke loose from smaller trucks and did some damage. In one incident, chipper that was being towed by a pickup got loose and killed a father and 2 of his triplet daughters. RV'ers not having to have any formal training is absolutely ridiculous. Another one that annoys the heck out of me are the 1-ton's with trailers flying down the road at 75 mph with their front wheels practically off the ground. Then they seem to forget what's behind them when changing lanes.
  4. Photoshop, right?
  5. I don't care what the numbers say, there are already too many trucks on the road governed at 65 mph and creating rolling roadblocks because nobody want to be the one to slow down and no one can pass. The higher frequency of accidents involving ungoverned trucks is the result of drivers who don't have sense enough to adjust their speed for weather and/or road conditions. Are we supposed to reply to these things?
  6. My favorite classics are the cabovers of the 60's and 70's. I think this would have been repowered as this model Transtar (4070A) was replaced in 1975 by the Transtar II (4070B). IIRC the 92 series Detroits were not available until '75 or '76. I also remember the 4070A's being raised a few inches to accomodate the 8V71's and the 903 Cummins. This looks like the standard height but with dual exhaust which was standard with the 8V71. Now that I've totally confused myself, allow me to conclude with: Nice find, thanks for sharing.
  7. I've stretched a few but haven't yet broken any. It's easier to catch the mistake in a daycab but then again, if you forget to unhook them the results can be "shattering."
  8. We were told July 2014.
  9. Well that's intimidating, but in a good way. That's a rebel dog, part of the badass theme.
  10. My understanding of the rule is the endorsement is required if the tote capacity is 119 gallons or more and the total of all totes is 1000 gallons or more. I had 7 of those sloshy bastards on my first load last night. They're a real treat in hilly terrain, like driving a freakin' waterbed. I gotta hand it to tanker drivers (especially smooth bore) for putting up with that everyday. It must be a lot worse than hauling totes.
  11. Well that's not a very nice thing to say about an 11 year old boy.
  12. That shouldn't be a problem since there's NO FRICK IN CHOCOLATE!
  13. This is how you raise a man. Washington needs to stay out of people's business. No one knows better than a parent what their child is capable or incapable of at a certain age. You got that right. At 11, I was allowed to use the riding mower and thought I was King $h!t.
  14. We handle a lot of liquid bulk totes which hold 350 gallons. I don't know the exact date but a tanker endorsement will soon be required to haul these.
  15. Holy Crap!! Glad you survived that one. Any idea what one of those things weigh...Rob? (since you have yours out already.) I'm guessing Grandma didn't even see it, just a coincidence she happened to swerve at that moment.
  16. I was able to understand it by moving my lips as I was reading. Will we find out if he gets any chocolate in Part 2? I love a good cliffhanger.
  17. I couldn't remember where I saw it. I thought '86 (or '89 as the video states) was kinda late but apparently they were together for quite a few years. I learned that on the ever reliable, always accurate Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Years_After
  18. I took the HazMat test last Thursday and went for fingerprints yesterday. I thought it was a pita having to drive 4 miles for the test and 2 more miles for the prints. I did mine at a State Police barracks, are yours that far apart? Hang in there and again, Best of luck!
  19. Did you remove "Ten Years After" from your original post? I recognized Alvin Lee's name but there is no way I made that connection on my own. 25 years ago maybe, but not now.
  20. I think Grandma has been teaching her the "Where the hell have you been" look.
  21. That must be the place I was thinking of. I'm not sure of what family Joe had aside from his Wife and I believe was 4 kids. I'd say it's quite possible he was an Uncle to your friend Chris. He lived in Dix Hills and after the station he owned a used car lot somwhere, probably western Suffolk. The cars he raced were basically gutted sedans with a coat of paint slapped on (literally). I imagine the engines were a bit souped up, but there was no brand loyalty or anything like that. All of the cars seemed to be the type you could get for around $100 in the early 70's i.e. early 60's Falcon's, Nova's, Dart's, etc.
  22. She's out there everyday while we're doing our pre-shift calisthenics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kliy32YWFcU
  23. NOOOOO!!!!!!! You can have both! The number of songs I know by Ten Years After has just doubled to 2.
  24. So she drives under a fuel truck and tailgates another that's leaking diesel. She must enjoy sniffing the fumes, maybe DUI by the time she hit your tree. At least she's paying for her stupidity.
  25. It's as simple as that but for some, that's asking too much. I have a video from our latest safety meeting. A driver told the Safety Director that writing up equipment is not his problem. This was the Safety Directors response:
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