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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. It's a little easier without the stereo mounted where it is. i wonder if there is a practical reason for not using the factory hole.
  2. Nice work. Are you sure you didn't shoot all those Overdrive back cover ads in a past life? The top 3 remind me of those.
  3. Hi Troy, Welcome aboard. I'm Boll Weevil on Hank"s but have been wasting..er..spending most of my truck-related internet time on here lately. I mainly come on for truck discussions but it's nice to be able to discuss other topics without having to go to another forum. Politics, Rock & Roll, Slightly used blow-up dolls with 12" members, it's all welcome here. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your great work.
  4. I was going to lend you one of mine but apparently I too have hit my quota. Does this work like a logbook where we will get them back at midnight, or do we have to do a 34 hour reset? Lotsa good reading here.
  5. I don't think it was her intention, but I find that comment quite flattering.
  6. Al, if you find which issue let me know and I'll see if it was scanned. It will be a while before I have a chance to got through each issue. I do remember seeing an interior shot of the FL which showed lots of black padding , even on the metal dashboard. It looked great.
  7. I'm finding covers, but no articles.
  8. Here's a side shot of the FL. This photo is so old that the cameltoe (or possibly the Lady Shick) had not yet been invented.
  9. Here's a cover from Feb. 1970, The gentlemen who scanned these did not scan entire issues, only pages that would be of assistance to model builders. This particular issue was focused on the GMC Astro.
  10. Not a fan of the look either, but I'm sure the added convenience more than made up for it. The stripes do help quite a bit. I spy a VW Dasher.
  11. Wow. I read Overdrive in the 70's and 80's and also bought Moonfire 2 years ago. There were a few articles on the Moonfire trucks in the Overdrive scans I have posted. I'll check there since they are easy to access.
  12. Me fix post!
  13. And here I am, all proud of myself because I can drive a truck nonstop for 5 hours and then jump out and swing my leg onto the top tank step and do some stretching. Then I pull a muscle in my arm while trying to pat myself on the back.
  14. That's nice and clean, even the interior. I don't think very many R models came with the upholstery on the doors.
  15. Great info. That's pretty neat that it came from a classic LTL carrier. Did you know that it had come from Hall's?
  16. What are you doing here?! That word has more than one definition. This is the bad one.
  17. Now there's a DM that needs to be driven off a cliff. That music does make me "jump and run"- TO THE TOILET! No I didn't play the video, I actually remembered that line.
  18. Well, since you were already in hot water, you should have followed up with this;
  19. There I go, throwing up in my mouth again. I thought that surviving the Disco era would prepare me for anything. Not so. ALERT: We've drifted slightly off topic.
  20. I remember one thing my 7th grade Social Studies teacher taught me-Bruce Springsteen is going to be huge one day. This was in 1974, before Born To Run was released. He was playin the Greeetings From Asbury Park album on one of those monophonic school record players after classes one day. The first Bruce song I ever heard was Spirit In The Night. That weekend I was at Sam Goody's making a rare "2 album" purchase. He had since released another album-The Wild, The Innocent, and The E Street Shuffle. Since I had already heard Asbury Park, I played the other one first and was absolutely blown away. We may not have had ipods and digital music back then but I'd rather listen to the music from my teenage years on a transistor radio than todays crap in crisp, clean digital. I don't want to hear any celebrity's political opinions, even if I agree with them. I know this is selfish, but if your a singer, I want to hear you sing and if your an actor, I want to see you act. Aside from that, your just another person who has their own opinons and beliefs,
  21. Funny, the blow up doll was in my Ebay search history for today, but I haven't looked at it since Thursday.
  22. You're absolutely right and it was wrong of us to judge you but in all fairness, I thought I was being considerate by not mentioning the projectile vomiting and explosive diahrrea.
  23. For comparison puposes,KC's band was flaming,and The Village People were the Sun. I fear all the good music has already been produced.
  24. Well that was painless, but I still get cold sweats when Rob posts an Ebay link.
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