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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. There's a website named "Manta" that lists the President of Quincy mack as Jack Sharkey.
  2. I'll assume it was my second guess. I was feeling a bit "bound up" the other night and would've killed to be able to give birth to something even close to that. I just don't think it's large enough to have the names of all those who deserve the honor engraved in it.
  3. I've been a fan of most 60's and 70's music for as long as it's existed. I feel I was cheated by the music world because of the crap that made it to the airwaves when I was between the ages of 18 and 28. Lionel Ritchie was king of the Grammy's back then. It was disgusting.
  4. I guessing that's not a big ole' loaf of marble rye?
  5. And the main reason that they're still crankin out hits to this day. Nevermind. The video is kinda fuzzy and I thought at least 2 of them were Mick Jagger.
  6. The movie is "Fire Down Below" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119123/ Here are a few DM's from movies: http://www.imcdb.org/vehicles.php?make=mack&model=dm
  7. Hopefully she intends to do this after your passing from natural causes. Got any pics? My favorite pickups are the '67-'72 Chevy's
  8. In real life, I think the scene would've ended with the first hit from the DM.
  9. The visor and doors look like IH. That's quite a coincidence since Navistar is in on it.
  10. Pitt Ohio had several FL 70 straight trucks years ago and still had some running when I started there. The ones I drove had 4-500k miles on them but still seemed pretty tight. The dash layout was simple, if not boring, but the cab was roomy and visibility was great. They had Cat engines, I don't know the HP but they were pretty lame but then again, the trucks were well worn when I drove them. The guys who put the bigs miles on them liked them, at least at my terminal.
  11. I actually thought the DM would've survived that. At least the '65 Biscayne, Bel Air, Impala didn't receive a scratch. They could've left the Jimi Hendrix soundtrack on there.
  12. You got the best of those 3 years in one nice looking package. After the '69 I bought a '68 LeMans with a 350 and a 3 speed Hydromatic?. It drove much nicer but I preferred the '69 tailights above the bumper. I also prefer the tailights on the '70-'72 Nova's compared to the '68-'69.
  13. I completed High School but at our age it's irrelevant since I'm sure that you (like myself) have made it this far by paying attention to life's lessons. I too have become a "looker-upper" since the early days of the internet and I'm surprised at some of the crap these people try to sell us when it's so easy to call them on it. The down side is that voting has become more difficult because I know so much about each candidate that I can't stand any of them.
  14. Sad but true. I assumed the pickup was driven by a veteran truck driver who recognized the sound of a 238 and knew what he had to do next. Your probably right about grabbing 10th in front of the camera, that would've made a cool video even cooler.
  15. I wish that friggin' so called "Good Witch" would have told me that at the BEGINNING of the friggin' movie.
  16. Ah, the things you can look back at and laugh about, although I'm sure there were a few giggles at the time, too. Today you have to turn the key,push the clutch to the floor, wait for the "diagnostic center" to TELL YOU that the oil level is okay, then have someone back into it. It's just not the same.
  17. This could get interesting as as the story unravels.
  18. That's one that has me baffled. I doubt that the majority of the members of those unions will vote for him though, at least the ones that can think for themselves.
  19. I'm embarrassed to post mine with all these trucks and muscle cars but here goes. First I had a '71 Dodge Charger that I paid $497 for ( I couldn't come up with the extra $3 if my life depended on it). It looked cool but needed a ton of work that I was neither financially or mechanically qualified to do so. I sold it 3 weeks later for $600, gave the the other guy his $3, and chalked it up to a lesson learned for a $100 profit. My "second" first car was a '69 Pontiac LeMans with a 350 and a 2 speed Powerglide. I hated that tranny but otherwise liked the car and ended up keeping it almost 3 years.
  20. I wondered about that. We have an '08 MP7 that has been plagued with issues lately and it sits for days before being repaired. Our shops are not setup to stock very many parts and the company is into that "just in time" nonsense. It's even a problem to get wiper blades sometimes, let alone a dealer part.
  21. That's a true 6-71 scenario, complete with the line of cars behind it and another car crossing into the opposite lane to pass. I would've like to see the guy in the other video start that IH after it warmed up. Weren't those like the old carburetetd cars, where the starter would only turn a few teeth and the engine would be running?
  22. The cab must be a lot roomier than a "normal" B. Maybe Mack built it as a mock-up for the R model? Yeah...that's it....I'm always thinkin'.
  23. While I'm eating pink slime which goes STRAIGHT TO MY HIPS! My Dad was an o/o for a few years in the late 70's and was (by his own admiitance) really not much of a businessman, and yet he made a good living with 1 truck. Nowadays you need a business degree and a truck that gets 12 miles a gallon while grossing 80k to earn a net profit barely above poverty level!
  24. I'll have to read it, one paragraph at a time..... Who am I kidding, I won't be able to put the damn thing down and have to do what I always do in stressful situations- Click my heels and whisper "There's no place like home" over and over again.
  25. Makes you wonder if BCR's are going to suddenly start popping up everywhere. There could still be quite a few out there that folks just assume are R models. Sounds like a good storyline for a mystery novel.
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