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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. They seem to have conveniently forgotten that it works both ways. There must be something in the water up there. I had a Youngstown Breakdown Friday night. My first trip was a relay at the former Penn-Ohio truckstop in North Lima. I did the drop-n-hook and jumped back in the truck, thinkin' I was gonna shit-n-git, and there was a message on the dash saying the engine was in derate and needed to regen immediately. No warning or countdown to the derate. I tried to regen and it wouldn't let me. Pitt got off cheap in comparison to your boss because they only had to pay for a tow to the terminal in Hermitage. Turned out to be a faulty power cable, an easy and relatively inexpensive fix.
  2. All great shots, but ahhhhh is my favorite.
  3. Definitely an early one. Vision bumper and no DPF.
  4. There's a spec sheet online but I've read this stuff so many times I have much of it memorized. The 8V71 w/ C65 injectors was rated at 318 hp @ 60 degrees F and 304 hp @ 85 degrees F. There was also an 8V71TT rated at 305 hp but that was the Fuel Squeezer version, governed at around 1900 rpm. I don't know how common they would be in vocational applications.
  5. Public Service Announcement: Switch from max/ recirculate to fresh as soon as the vehicle cools off! I think most people believe Max is just another fan setting.
  6. The DOT number belongs to a company in Winchester, VA if that matters any.
  7. I drove a Sterling with a C12 rated at 425hp, but I didn't dare refer to it as a 425 or 4 1/2. It just didn't seem right.
  8. One of my Uncles chose his beer based strictly on price. If it tasted somewhat like beer, gave him a buzz, and the price of a 6 pack was under $2, he was in. He was a Piels drinker for a long time and I don't know if it was because they went under or he found something cheaper, but he started drinking Pathmark "No Frills" brand. It was a white can with the word BEER in black letters. I'm almost certain a 6 pack was 99 cents in the mid-70's.
  9. "I guess that's a silly question, idn't it."
  10. Beautiful! Did you at least get to drive it at the museum?
  11. Interesting, but don't do anything that might get ya shot or something! I'm still trying to figure out how the turkey relates to the rest of the photo story. I'm surprised you visited the Food Lion. I thought she was mad at you.
  12. I posted the above reply solely for the purpose of getting this thread to page 25 so no one would have to see Mr Sandalboots when clicking on page 24 to see the latest posts. Your welcome.
  13. Driver needed enough time to bobtail to the motel before running out of hours. Damn e-logs.
  14. Looks as if they might be trying to run away from it.
  15. Try using all your fingers when waving and maybe I'll acknowledge you. Thanks for sticking up for me Tom. After finishing the Lynchburg-Pittsburgh peddle run, I had to do a line haul run and then hurry home and put a roof on my garage all by myself before it rained. I was so tired by lunch time that I took the afternoon off.
  16. I think anything with a manual would have that knob, I've seen them in Travelall's, Loadstars, and Transtars, The exception being trannys that need their own specific knob, like a 13 speed.
  17. "It's not opening" he said when trying to open the door on the Mack. What I would've said was "$#@*&^#! it's not opening!" IH used that same shift knob for about 150 years.
  18. May he Rest in Peace. Interesting how Jim Winsor passed away a mere 2 weeks after Walter May.
  19. I think that makes more sense than working on an engine from inside the cab.
  20. It was May or June last year when I first started seeing new tractors at Pitt. Freightliner straight trucks have been arriving so maybe they want to get those in service first and then bring in the tractors to avoid overburdening the shops with prep work. I wonder if the two piece windshield is a higher cost option? I can't help but think the decision is "financially motivated" and possibly, based on past experience, it was decided that it was more cost effective to go this route despite the higher replacement cost. Or, maybe someone screwed up. The Toledo company is Motor Carrier Service aka MCS.
  21. Tom Swift...... Driver for Swift......
  22. People from around the globe come to visit this museum to learn about life I the U.S.A., and someone chose a minivan with woodgrain sides and a Werner truck to represent our transportation industry. Shame, indeed! Given the possibility that it could be Hillary Clinton, I DEFINITELY ain't clicking on it!
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