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Green Dash

BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Happy Birthday! Have fun, but try not to make the local news. I'll be watching.
  2. Jaird's may have been taken more seriously if he hadn't come here and started judging people with his very first post. I think that's a hell of a lot worse of a personality flaw than using profanity.
  3. Sorry to hear about your Close Encounter of the Asshole Kind. I do like the way you handled it, though.
  4. I'm gonna need a sedative.
  5. That's a great story. I'm sure he's looking down and smiling at the way things have turned out. Fuller Roadranger 9 and 10 speeds are (or at least were) the same way. The 9 direct had a low of about 12.50 while the 10 direct had a low of around 8.50. If you wanted more reduction you had to go with the 15 speed which was a 10 speed with double reduction. (forgive me if you knew this already). He's doing quite a job keeping that tranny balanced on the dolly.
  6. I knew I should've look up the correct spelling for day-id. I'm still not sure why I worded it that way.
  7. I know that feeling all to well. First she will go through the stages of denial,sadness, and anger but will eventually come to accept your looniness.
  8. In that Overdrive interview, did Evel say something about "blowing a million bucks on a party that will make party's in ancient Rome look sick." There's no way I can remember it word for word, but I do remember the testosterone dripping off the pages.
  9. A Ford towing a Ford. Call it a wash. I've heard many positive things about the Ford Louisville's which IIRC, were built from 1970 to around 1996 or 97. The W series cabovers on the other hand, had a reputation of being junk.
  10. After 3 months he prolly thought he'd gotten away with it..... Zing! As far as the other thing, it's like everyone else said, Were big racist boys who wet our pants (bear with me I'm trying to remember everything I read) go ahead and post what's on your mind and let the reader decide if they want to participate or move on. Why did this double-space?
  11. Is the white one listed in your roster? Looking at the interior I would think it was newer than an '80. Cats are cool, I don't know why some people hate them.
  12. There's a big black dot on the windshield and the bulldog looks like a squirrel. Those features would put the year from around '67 or '68-'72
  13. You may want to fix the problem yourself. Their solution might be to flip the seat around.
  14. Happy Birthday! As of this coming Saturday, he be daid 24 years. Prolly real yuckky.
  15. He sounds like an asshole.
  16. Mack, Macks, Mack Trucks, Mack Cabovers, Mack Conventionals, Mack Dump Trucks, Mack Tow Trucks, Mack Tankers, Mack Log Trucks, basically anything Mack...and Boobs.
  17. I knew it was something insane, not sure why I didn't take a pic of the sign with the info. I think the A-car has a 400 Cummins.
  18. They were the #2 grocery chain in Pittsburgh in the pre-Wal*Mart days supplying Shop-N-Save and Foodland stores. Around '02-'03, they closed one local warehouse. I delivered to the remaining warehouse a few times when I was doing p&d and they seem to be going strong.
  19. Charley Brothers was running MH daycabs before Supervalu took them over.
  20. And a much cooler name by far! Happy Birthday!
  21. Nice pics. That B7-ty-sumthin' is a beauty! Is that Vision on the Movin' Out cover slightly chopped? I have a copy here, but haven't looked at it yet.
  22. Glad you thought of it, that was too long ago. I do remember Lorna Doone being another of the recommened cookies.
  23. Think of it as a game and it'll be fun!
  24. I've had 3 Sterlings assigned to me at 2 different jobs. My opinions and observations are: Pro's 1. Very comfortable 2. Good ergonomics 3. Reliable Con's 1.They're not Mack Pinnacles 2.Excessive wind noise even when doors are properly aligned. 3.You may have the standard turn signal lever which is a cheap plastic pos with a pushbutton for the 4-ways. With that setup, the flashers stop blinking when the foot brake is applied, just like a car-I shit you not. Fortunately,my employer chose to have them replaced with the traditional SignalStat type. 4. A benefit to the pos turn signals is that they have the rotating type wiper/washer switch and the end of the stalk. If not, you get the pushbutton Freightliner type which has the most idiotic operation for a wiper switch I've ever seen. 5. Like many of todays trucks they have that cheap feeling about them, but I accept that as part of being a driver in the 21st century. Like you, I go for the pay and benefits and happily accept what's given to me by those who are paying the bills, provided it's properly maintained and looks decent. The second Sterling I drove was assigned to me with 65 miles on the odometer and was my least favorite. It had no major problems, but lots of little annoyances. The window crank fell of at the first tollbooth I came to, the radio antenna was not plugged in, the drivers wiper arm would stop 6 inches above the base of the windshield. All stupid stuff, but it gets you wondering if anything potetionally dangerous had been overlooked. My current ride is a 2006 AT9513 with the MBE4000 and 10 speed RR. The Merecedes engines have proven to be good reliable performers, but we've had some issues with the '07 emmissions equipped motors. My truck has always been shared by 2 caring drivers. The city guy is the original and I'm only the second linehaul driver in it. It has 946k on the odometer and is not only in great shape but it feels like it could hang on for at least another 500k. Best of luck.
  25. They do fine work, but that's pretty ignorant.
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