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Green Dash

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Everything posted by Green Dash

  1. Not mine either but I've been past that place. It's on Route 830, right up the road from the Sheetz on US 219 @ I-80 in DuBois. I haven't been up that way in about 4 years but last time I was there they had about a dozen similar trucks, at least a few with green metal dashboards.
  2. The blue one above is '67 or older. This one is a '69-'72. I found it in someones Photobucket album. Here's a link to the picture to give credit to the owner: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/IMASAP/EvelKnievel2.jpg
  3. You're my hero.
  4. Very nice. One of the last years that Autocar built REAL trucks.
  5. The pleasure is all mine! Your truck is one of the finest examples of an R model i've ever seen, let alone a BCR! Love the brochures, I didn't know about the 700 version. I was too busy bragging about noticing the steer axle to see the fillers for the radiator. Didn't early R models have something similar?
  6. Very nice collection. Quite a few I hadn't seen before. The 7th one down, "Baddest Mack R Ever", is the one that was discussed on here a few weeks ago. That is an awesome shot.
  7. i can't say for sure. I found the location on Google Maps and it shows the truck on the property, but in a different location. Does anyone know how to post an image from Google Maps?
  8. Yeah but i started typing 15 minutes before you.
  9. It turns out I took these pics 5 years ago. I forgot I posted them on Hank's along with links to pics of another BCR. There is also a link to a pic on this site of THE 57 BCR, but it no longer works. Over there, my user name is Boll Weevil in honor of my Dad. That was his cb handle for 40+ years. http://hankstruckforum.com/htforum/index.php?topic=6720.msg51130#msg51130
  10. B model Converted to R model Or just B converted to R. I thought I had a pic of the ID but this one read B61T. Does this mean the original serial number is used? I know of another one that is probably the finest example of a BCR that any of us will ever see. MR. 57BCR, care to indulge us with a photo? Thanks for the details. Any idea on how many kits were sold?
  11. "Small Bunk"-that's what he thinks.
  12. Nope, I'm not struggling with the alphabet. I actually found a BCR sitting along the road a few years back and (excuse me while I pat myself on the back) knew what it was by seeing it from the front 100 yards away. Just enough time to get the truck slowed down (going uphill) and swing into the yard where it was parked. I knew it was a BCR because of the way the front axle fit in the fenders. The company my Dad was working for had built one of these and you could see the difference compared to a factory R, especially when parked next to one. The first pic is kinda close up to see the steer tires. Pictures taken with a cellphone camera. The interior, while dusty, appeared to be in new condition. No holes, nothing missing, no scratches, the seats were even in great shape. Once again however, the only person there had little info to offer and couldn't understand my interest in an old truck.
  13. That's a nice old tractor. Those folks who didn't want to live near an active farm remind me of the ones who buy homes on truck routes and then bitch and moan until truck restrictions are imposed. I'm glad the house will be in good hands.
  14. Thanks. I guess that's your red and white 457 on the Brockway site? Nice truck, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
  15. Adorable. You can tell by the look on her face that she is quite aware she has you wrapped around her wittle-bitty finger.
  16. Very nice. Best of luck if you decide to go for it.
  17. You must be wearing a tie pin.
  18. Ya think they're done chillin' yet or should I go grab a burger?
  19. Fair and Balnced I figure that my presence on this site is compromising and berating enough so the worst I could do is add insult to injury.
  20. I figured it would be producing either grapes or condos. Good to see it's still being farmed. I always preferred car rides to the North Fork versus the South. Seeing all that farmland was enough to make you forget you were still on the island. Did the New London Ferry allow tractor trailers? i'm thinking we may have used it to bring a load from Quincy,MA to Waldbaum's in Central Islip.
  21. There goes my retirement plans. Do they have a donor 72" cab or will one have to be fabricated?
  22. Nyama za shto. I'm 1/2 Italian, 1/4 English, 1/4 Irish but I made it a point to learn basic Belarusian 'cause "ya never know". Note: This post has been pre-flagged as BS for your convenience.
  23. Do your cousins have any sisters?
  24. Yep, that's my Mother's maiden name. And about the pretty pony dancing under a rainbow, I was young and needed the money!
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